March 12, 2005


In case you wondering why the "galleries" section is a bit of a mess…....

I wanted to use pictures to illustrate a route from Coventry city centre to Campus. Each picture having a dozen or so accompanying words.

I tried using "gallery" technology. But you can't even delete your mistakes. As bloggs admin wrote (08-Mar-05) "I'm (sorry) there is no edit gallery screen right now. We will be adding this feature in the future, so for now, you're stuck with your gallery"

Some time over the next few weeks I'll try direct input of html.

- 2 comments by 1 or more people Not publicly viewable

  1. If you go to "Admin my images" in the admin bit, you can edit the text with each image. You can't change the order of them in the gallery though.

    Writing it as a blog post would be a better bet probably.

    12 Mar 2005, 10:19

  2. Actually the order in which images are displayed in a gallery can be changed – they are displayed in alphabetical order of the image title.

    Note the titles I gave to the images I uploaded.

    It would be better if the ordering of the images in a gallery were an attribute of the gallery not the image. I don't think the blogbuilding team have thought very clearly about what attributes galleries should have.

    After all in virtual reality a single picture can be in loads of different galleries.

    But what's that got to do with cycling!!!!!

    12 Mar 2005, 11:10

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