May 09, 2006

In defence of the cycle track

Follow-up to Timescales for Kenilworth Road Cycle Track from Cycling to and around Warwick University

The Coventry Evening Telegraph (8th May 2006), published a letter criticising Coventry council. Firstly for re-surfacing Kenilworth Road and secondly for adding a cycle track. The writer opinioned that other roads should have higher priority for re-surfacing and that as the road was hardly used by pedestrians and cyclists it didn't warrant a cycle track.

The text of my reply (which I've just sent off)

Whether or not the Kenilworth Road should be prioritised for re–surfacing (Ted Duggan's letter published 8 May), improvements for cycling are important.

Like most roads, Kenilworth Road is cycle–hostile at busy times. Motorists cannot leave sufficient space when passing cyclists without crossing the central white lines.

At peak times the junction of Gibbet Hill Road with Kenilworth Road is congested. With Warwick University planning for 40% growth over the next few years, traffic problems can only get worse. A switch from car to cycle for some of the people who commute between Kenilworth and the university does offer a partial solution. It would also improve the fitness of those who do make the switch. But most people are reluctant to cycle along roads where a constant stream of cars and lorries whiz by them at 40/50 mph.

George Riches

- 3 comments by 2 or more people Not publicly viewable

  1. Steve Rumsby

    They seem to have stopped working on it at the moment. On Friday, while cycling here from Kenilworth, I noticed the lack of work and mistakenly thought that meant they'd finished so I gave it a go. Of course they haven't finished, as I discovered when I came to the first side road, or rather, before I came to the first side road. The surface deteriorated into a pile of loose gravel. I did just about manage to stay upright. Then I had to cross the road, carefully, and negotiate another pile of loose gravle on the far side before the track restarted. I guess they're still working out how to deal with the side road and what the priorities should be? Whatever the reason, it would have been nice if there was a warning that the track wasn't finished. Sigh…

    So don't be tempted to use it just yet, even if it looks like work is complete. It isn't.

    Today while out cycling at lunchtime I came that way again and there was a pedestrian standing the middle of the (unfinished) cycle track. I guess part of the finishing process will be appropriate signage to discourage that?

    Do we know when it is supposed to be finished?

    09 May 2006, 14:36

  2. I don't know when it is due to be finished. At the side road there needs to be a clear indication that people (mainly drivers) on the side road need to give way to the people (esp cyclists) on the main road. So I'm not surprised there's a bit of a break in work.

    There may be multiple contractors on the job. Part of the A429 comes within Coventry Council's area, part within Warwickshire's.

    A road close to my house had the top surface scraped off about three weeks ago. Since then nothing has happened. Also there's been talk about the track for years, so I think a few weeks delay once something starts going is not worth complaining about. Complain about the things which haven't even been started – e.g. Kenilworth to Leamington link – including a suitable crossing of the A46.

    09 May 2006, 15:46

  3. Steve Rumsby

    Didn't mean to sound like I was complaining. Just trying to warn people not to try it yet even though it might look finished, at least from the ends…

    10 May 2006, 09:45

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