February 22, 2008


At Thursday’s Environment & Amenities Committee it was agreed that the Bicycle User Group (BUG) be consulted before any proposals which impacted cyclists were finalised. So I’ve been asked to find a BUG contact name to help distribute details of any proposals.

The contact person need only send out the information via the mailing list or the blog:

1. email: bug@listserv.csv.warwick.ac.uk
2. Blog: http://blogs.warwick.ac.uk/cyclingtowarwick/

If the email option is used, the contact person would have to forward whatever comments arose to whoever wanted the BUG’s opinions, as only people on the mailing list receive the BUG emails. That’s one of the reasons I prefer using the blog, as with that technology it’s easy to ensure that all comments on an entry are visible to any university member (or indeed any web user, if that’s how you set the parameters). Blog technology also handles images better than email and more than one comment can be seen at a time.

I can only fulfil the role of contact person up to June, as I’m departing the university at the end of the academic year.

Don’t be put off if you are not already registered as an administrator or author of the Blog, I can register you by inputting your “IT Services User Id” (mine’s pducbw) into an online form.

People registered as administrators of blogs.warwick.ac.uk/cyclingtowarwick/

Peter Elias, Robin Ball, Catherine Fenn, Richard Hicks, Alistair Lawry, Steve Rumsby, David Sait, Emily Polack, Mark Downes, Claudie Combelas, Tim Thornton, Andrew Dickerson, Andrew Marsh, Florian Theil, Jen Marsh, Trevor Brown, Sally Hicks, Sunil Chhita, Justine Pedler

I think that when someone adds a new entry or comments to an entry, all the people registered as administrators or authors are sent an email notification.

I’ll also email these words to bug@listserv.csv.warwick.ac.uk

- 5 comments by 2 or more people Not publicly viewable

  1. barry

    Great idea – if it means that the monstrosities such as the Tocil Wood bridge cycle trap are canned at the planning stage, I’m all for it.

    Thank you once again to Warwick Hospitality for blocking the contra-flow cycle lane on Library Road, meaning that I had to run the gauntlet of on-coming vehicles.

    22 Feb 2008, 17:18

  2. A few brief remarks about the Environment & Amenities’ Committee meeting of 21-February:

    1. Cycle parking is dealt with on a building by building basis. The university is seeking a suitable supplier of secure cycle parking.
    2. Roads and paths have to conform to the Movement Strategy Plan
    3. Better communication between cycle users and the Environment & Amenities’ Committee would be appreciated.

    I put forward the following points:

    1. Where a a route consists of carriageway and a footway, cyclists are best on the carriageway (unless traffic speeds are in excess of 30 mph).
    2. I was assured that direct access by cycle & pedestrian traffic between the Westwood site and Charter Ave. was in place. It’s not on the Movement Strategy Plan
    3. I proposed investigation of a cycle route between Main Campus and Westwood site which didn’t involve travel along Kirby Corner Road. No comments on this idea were made
    4. I proposed a cycle & pedestrian link between Gibbet Hill campus and Moreal Meadows.

    Some years ago local residents successfully opposed a scheme to create a cycle route using The Shubberies and Moreal Meadows to access the University. This may have been partially due to an exaggerated estimate of the number of cyclists liable to use the route.

    Currently there is talk of a cycle track along Gibbet Hill Road between the Gibbet Hill campus and Kenilworth Road. Positioning such a track along the north side of Gibbet Hill Road would have the following safety hazards in the area close to the Gibbet Hill campus:

    a) Traffic entering Moreal Meadows from Gibbet Hill Road
    b) Blocking of the route by motorists waiting on Moreal Meadows to enter Gibbet Hill Road
    c) Narrowness of path outside the campus
    d) Bus stop
    e) Conflict with vehicles entering and leaving the car access to the Gibbet Hill campus

    An entrance to the Gibbet Hill campus would remove problems c, d & e. If it were at least 10 metres away from the junction with Gibbet Hill it would alleviate problems a & b.

    I don’t think much of the path between Claycroft and Library Road via the Maths & Stats building

    13 Mar 2008, 10:33

  3. Click for an image of the Gibbet Hill / Moreal meadows area from above.

    13 Mar 2008, 10:50

  4. George, excellent! I just added myself to the list – hope so!


    13 Apr 2008, 11:23

  5. Stephen York

    Cycle Parking
    Who is responsible for cycle parking facilities on campus? they need to get their act together and create some more spaces!
    Yet again it’s the start of term and not a space to be had outside physics come 9:15(don’t say get here earlier, some of us have to do the school run and cycle here!), so the bike lives in the lab. The situation is not helped by the rusty old boneshakers left there from last year etc, and is only going to get worse as the free parking spaces vanish.
    Maybe I could park my cycle in the car share spaces that are always empty!!!!!

    06 Oct 2008, 14:20

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