March 28, 2007

Cycle Track between Campus and Kenilworth

Sustrans, the civil engineering charity which designs and builds routes for cyclists, together with Warwickshire County Council are submitting a joint bid for National Lottery funding to build a cycle track between Kenilworth and the main campus.

The National Lottery needs to be convinced that the project is really needed and has significant support.

So if you think it’s a good idea get your colleagues, partners, families, friends to register their support by completing this simple form

Other local projects have hundreds of ‘Pledges of Support’, unfortunately, the same cannot be said for this one – yet.

- 4 comments by 1 or more people Not publicly viewable

  1. Personally I rather like the idea of a track. For people cycling between, say the library and Kenilworth it would be shorter, involve less climbing and would be more scenic than the route which uses the A429, Gibbet Hill Road and the track through Tocil Woods. Journey time is a critical factor for commuters.

    The A429 / Gibbet Hill Road route is currently pretty poor between the traffic lights at the peak of Gibbet Hill and the Gibbet Hill campus. There is also the issue of crossing the A429.

    The argument for a bridge over the A429 is based on the fact that there are already embankments there. Of course it’s nicer to use a bridge than to cycle down, wait at a crossing and then cycle up.

    19 Apr 2007, 09:13

  2. Hero

    A waste -the route from Kenilworth to campus is ok. What is a real pig are the routes out of Leamington. There are few really empty roads or cycle paths until you are well out of Leamington, but I have to say that riding to the uni is pretty darn good fun.

    Anyone who is moaning about hills is in the same category as people who moan that shopping centre streets aren’t absolutely flat – if you want the world sanitised, stay in the house.

    22 Jun 2007, 23:16

  3. The University can’t do much about the roads around Leamington, but it has much more power over what happens regarding a track, as it owns much of the land between the existing campus buildings and the A429.
    If a track were built there would be nothing to stop those who wish to cycle via Gibbet Hill from continuing to do so, but I would expect that at least some people who currently use cars to commute between campus and Kenilworth to campus would switch to bicycles.

    23 Jun 2007, 09:57

  4. Mark Edwards

    Don’t forget to vote for Connect2 before midday Monday 10th December – pass it on! see this link for details

    25 Nov 2007, 18:57

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