May 24, 2019

Lifelong dream fulfilled: Chartered Engineer Status confirmed

I am really thrilled to have successfully achieved the status of Chartered Engineer (CEng) and registered as such with the Engineering Council. This is a fulfillment of a lifelong dream and I am ever so grateful to my family and the people who supported me through this fantastic journey. As ever, I am driven by a strong enthusiasm and the ambition to help find the answers to some of the world’s difficult challenges while making a positive impact on lives and promoting the engineering profession.

I am so grateful to the University of Warwick and for being on the SAE course in WMG. hashtagchartered Engineer #

March 26, 2019


Dear All,

For all events organised by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), please click on the below link to access live and updated details.

March 19, 2019

IET. 34th Satellite Communications Systems Course

34th Satellite Communications Systems Course.

16 - 20 September 2019

99 City Road Conference Centre, London.

Now in its 34th year, this popular industry standard course will be held at 99 City Road in Londonincorporating a technical visit to the Inmarsat Satellite Control Centreand networking drinks with members of the IETTechnical Professional Networkat the end of the course.

Please book your place. Click the link below:

March 12, 2019

IET online event: Leading and Developing Successful Teams – e–class

Dear all,

I would like to invite you to join this very important online event on 18th March 2019 from 1:30 PM- 2:30 PM on leadership.

Become an effective leader and increase your team's success!!!!!!!!!

Please clik on the below link for more details:

IET seminar Rail Electrification: Rebuilding Confidence

Please attend this IET seminar about Rail electrification.

Please click on the link below for more details:,J8LO,2Z6RA0,2305R,1

March 07, 2019

Automotive Engineering Sector: Can OEMs really embrace and achieve 100% Circular economy?

Good Leadership in action. Recent transformation of Manchester United Football club

Following Manchester United’s qualification for the Champions League quarter-finals yesterday after a very good win against PSG of France, I cannot refrain myself from reflecting on the transformation of this famous football club over the past few months.

Ever since Ole Gunnar Solskjær (OLE) took over the job at Manchester United as caretaking manager on 19thDecember 2018 following the dismissal of the previous manager, there has been a significant improvement on and off the pitch. OLE is a former player of Manchester United and is a legend in the eyes of many supporters given his footballing prowess and achievement with the club during his time as a player.

Since taking over, contrary to team performance under the previous manager, results have improved remarkably, and the team can be seen to be highly engaged and motivated again. The team enhanced reaction points out to a change of direction, tactics, and can only be down to a good leadership. Of course, good leadership is not mainly defined by results but by how the leader interacts with the people he/she leads.

Reflecting on this transformation and looking objectively at the available information in the public domain, it is hard not to see that this is good leadership in action. Contrary to how the team often behaved under the previous manager, the team has been showing a positive attitude with enthusiasm during games, with high energy up and down the pitch and taking extraordinary initiative to win games.

OLE has shown good leadership traits. he is respectful of others, transparent. In addition, he keeps things simple and empowers his players and, of course that can be seen by how they have been behaving on the pitch so, the evidence is there for everyone to see. OLE is accountable, he gives credit and takes the blame, listens more than he talks contrary to the previous manager. Moreover, he doesn't criticise in public and is highly enthusiastic. He has got this team of player engaged and he is getting the best out of his players. His methods and style must be highly contagious.

Although OLE is a former player of Manchester United it can be argued that, that is not the reason why this positive transformation is happening because former players have overseen this club before and this level of motivation, commitment, engagement, passion for the game was not witnessed. So, there must be something in the running of the club under OLE that drives this group of players to give (150%) when they are on the pitch. That can only be described as good leadership.

Not being an insider to know exactly the leadership style used by OLE, it is certain considering recent team displays that players and technical staff are happy, supporters are happy, and everybody is happy. That is the result of a good leadership by this legend of the club who has created a highly engaged team and is inspiring the players, praising them, encouraging them to believe in their abilities, protecting them and leading effectively.

January 29, 2019

Research Project : Electrical fault detection in automotive battery packs

Automotive battery packs typically contain hundreds of individual cells in a series/parallel configuration. Failure of electrical junctions between cells, caused by faults introduced during manufacturing or by deterioration during operation can lead to early pack failure, with significant cost and quality implications for OEMs.

This project aims to develop an electrical technique, based on time domain reflectometry (TDR), for the detection and localisation of electrical faults within a battery pack or module. TDR is a well-established technique in the power distribution and semiconductor industries, used to detect faults on high-voltage transmission lines and integrated circuit packages. In this project, we will adapt the technique to operate on smaller length scales (sub-cm), and parallel electrical architectures relevant to battery packs.

The project will involve the following:

  • Design and fabrication of simple test PCBs for demonstration of the technique in different series/parallel configurations
  • Experimental work using WMG’s new TDR rig
  • Development of signal processing algorithms in MatLab or LabVIEW to turn raw time-domain data into distance-to-fault information
  • Development of a demonstrator system to showcase the technique for realtime fault detection.

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