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All entries for Sunday 05 October 2014

October 05, 2014

My first blog post!

This is all a bit exciting isn't it? My first blog post on my Warwick University blog!

It's been a bit of a journey getting to the point where I'm now officially a PhD post graduate at Warwick University, with confirmation taking place as soon as I collected my University I.D card! I've learnt a lot already during latter part of the previous year and the earlier part of this year when I was exploring different Universities and producing different research proposals for Universities. I actually appreciated the diversity that each University provided in terms of word counts and level of explanations within each research proposal, because this further trained myself in communicating my research within any word count limit and according to the needs of the audience. Some people might suggest that it's a lot of extra work sending off proposals to multiple Universities, but there are many benefits coming from this and I'm sure that in time I shall be discussing these further on this blog.

What is this blog about? I'm going to use this blog to detail my experiences as a part time PhD researcher who is living many miles away from the main campus, and also my experiences of setting up a freelance writing business and balancing all the work that comes with owning a business and participating in a part time PhD. I shall also be using this to reflect upon my personal and professional development in conjunction with the evidence provided as part of my Warwick Portfolio.

This blog therefore shall compliment another personal blog that I'm working on. Whereas this blog shall discuss my research from the perspective of research training, professional development, personal development, various reflections, and so on, my other blog shall delve into research areas relating to the PhD and discuss these research areas from a general perspective.

Hoping you enjoy it!

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  • Thank you :) by Alex Darracott on this entry
  • Keep going! You can make it! by Ya Lei on this entry
  • Thank you for your comment and for your feedback and you are right about the student perspective of … by Alex Darracott on this entry
  • I think that 'objectivism' (like positivism) is over–rated in social sciences (and of course, you wi… by Liviu Damsa on this entry
  • Cider consumption shall come into it when chanting mumble jumble no longer helps :P ;) by Alex Darracott on this entry

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