All entries for Thursday 31 May 2018

May 31, 2018

Wednesday 30th May 2018

Wednesday was packed with performing arts, and even the weather performed...well, just about.

We kicked off the day’s programme with some stage design, creating backdrops for our chosen plays. One of those activities that kids get down on the floor to do as they work their way through the scenery. Mixed ages worked together as they decorated their costumes and props, including masks 🎭 and swords ⚔️.

After lunch it was drum time 🥁 for the younger group while the older group went outside for an open-air talent competition (it was dry enough by then).

The children selected judges, presenters and of course performers. There were superior circus skills, excellent dance routines and stage fighting choreography on show, alongside funny commentary and story-telling.

Back in the room, the rigorous drumming and synchronised rhythms entertained everyone.

The groups swapped mid-afternoon, and now it was the younger group’s chance to practice drama, miming and improv in the fresh air. On route children shouted regular warnings like “Watch out, goose poo!”

It’s a good job we had another fruit snack time towards the end of the day but still we won’t be surprised if our parents find their offspring tired 😴 and ready for bed at the end of the day.

See you tomorrow for another cool 😎 day.

May 2018

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