All entries for Friday 18 June 2004

Improved privacy

Following quite a lot of feedback from people about wanting better privacy options, I've made a few simple changes that should help matters a bit.

  • You can now un-tick all permissions boxes on an entry and it will let you do it :) Thus meaning that the entry is then only viewable by the author or the owner of that blog
  • It is now possible to override the default permissions for entries by changing the querystring to an entry. What this basically means is that there is now a "private entry" link in your toolbar which defaults to private permissions. It will also show you in big writing at the top of the entry that it is a private entry.
  • You can now also set permissions based on your blog's contributors, so you will see Author/Moderator/Administrator options. This will be especially useful for group blogs where the authors are also the only viewers.

DVD Reviews!

To go along with the book and music reviews, there is now a DVD review option.

You can search for DVDs on Amazon based on keyword or the amazon ID number (ASIN). The results will come back with the front cover as usual and a few other details. Then just choose the one you want to review and when you're done, it will present a nicely formatted entry for you.

At some point in the future (when we get our hands on IMDB data) we will do full blown film reviews, not just limiting you to what's out on DVD on


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  • Hi, Do you have a list of keyboard shortcuts? I can see Ctrl+b for Bold and Ctrl+i for italics works… by Mike Downes on this entry
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  • I am aiming to achieve better organisation and planning skills and focus on how to deal with disrupt… by on this entry
  • N.B. we responded directly to Sian when this query was asked via another channel. For reference, Fee… by Simon Harper on this entry
  • I was pleased to see this change: "We've modified the Atom API to allow setting of arbitrary permiss… by Sian Prosser on this entry
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