July 02, 2007

They say nothing lasts forever

They say nothing lasts forever.
Everyone is an island.
People comes and goes, but never stays.
Cherish the friendship,
As we are only here today.

They say nothing lasts forever.
Life is nice but short.
Live your life to the fullest,
And never look back,
As we are only here today.

They say nothing lasts forever.
Time flies and never stands still.
Savor the moment,
And make it last for better
As we are only here today.

They say nothing lasts forever.
Never give up having a dream.
Seed one deep in the heart
And stick at it,
As we are only here today.

They say nothing lasts forever.
No matter we are rich or poor,
Depressed or happy,
Ordinary or talented,
Make efforts to have a change
As we are only here today.

They say nothing lasts forever.
Things happen for reasons.
Challenge is also the opportunity.
And can only be seized
By those who prepare themselves.
Start to do something now,
As we are only here today.

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