All entries for May 2014

May 29, 2014

Making Sense of the digital humanities – Monash alliance event

Writing about web page

Warwick researchers and students gathered early last Wednesday at the International Video Portal, Ramphal to discuss the digital humanities with Monash in a virtual workshop. Amber Thomas and David Beck from Academic Technology spoke at the event, which Monash has published in an write-up: Making Sense of the digital humanities.


Warwick has published in an write-up: Digital humanities interactive workshop success

The discussion continues on a shared Digital Humanities Discussion Forum | Monash and Warwick online forum.

May 23, 2014

Adding an image lightbox to sitebuilder from text

If you insert a photo into sitebuilder as a thumbnail, it neatly makes the image clickable to see a larger size of the image without having to use the HTML editor. I've recently seen a number of requests to be able to produce the same functionality from a text link, rather than an image.

Caveat: With a clickable thumbnail, you are giving the visitor a clear visual cue that when they click, they'll see something related to that image. With text, this is not the case, so try to use this in a context where the visitor is expecting this kind of behavior. References to images in text seems like an appropriate use of this, and is where the requests I've encountered have originated.


  1. Create a link to the image on a text snippet like [6] using the links picker to navigate to photo gallery and choosing the right photo.
  2. With the newly created link still selected, click ‘link options’ >> ‘edit link’ and under the advanced tab find "Relationship Page to Target” drop down box. Set this to ‘lightbox’ and the image will convert your link to a lightbox link (by inserting a 'rel' attribute to your link code in your page's html).

May 2014

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  • Thanks for this short blog by Dave on this entry

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