September 08, 2013

Sustrans Route Planning Application

Writing about web page

Planning application and documents here:

Architects drawings are here:

Please note the drawings of the right hand turn at Sports Centre corner are inaccurate in the dimensions of the traffic lanes, yet these have been interpreted literally in the version on the ground.

Bike route wrongsThis is where the road markings (as painted on Friday 6 September 2013) place a cyclist turning right. Whilst observing traffic on this corner (buses, taxis and cars) the cyclist looked extremely vulnerable and within touching distance of buses. Before cyclist took up this position we observed that 9 out of 10 vehicles cornering here cut across the white hatching markings on this bend.

- 2 comments by 1 or more people Not publicly viewable

  1. Sara

    Now, imagine that place with pedestrians spilling out of the sidewalk (as they do at lunch time) plus traffic coming the other way too…

    It seems we need to get folks over at Estates to just ride bikes around campus for a day or two. I am happy to lend my bike for them to do this.

    11 Sep 2013, 16:15

  2. Andrew Marsh

    There are in fact plenty of people who work in Estates Office and cycle!

    We just need some more joined-up thinking.

    11 Sep 2013, 18:32

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