May 16, 2022

What is your teaching philosophy? – Julia McCuin

What is your teaching philosophy? How has this originated, and can you evaluate how your educational touchstones will impact on the teacher you aspire to be?

“A child needs encouragement like a plant needs water.”

This quote strikes a chord with me, having been a very shy, quiet, and unconfident child, who was often overlooked in class. Had I had the encouragement given to me in my schooling years maybe my experience would have been a different, more positive one. My teaching philosophy, therefore, is to make sure I will be a teacher who celebrates the learning of every pupil, giving encouragement, praise and inspiring their unique journey.

As a teacher, I aspire to bring out the very best in each individual and create a warm, inviting and stimulating environment for my pupils so that they feel welcome and safe from the moment they enter the classroom. According to Alfie Kohn, “If children feel safe, they can take risks, ask questions, make mistakes, learn to trust, share their feelings, and grow.” It is my aim to create this type of atmosphere so that the children can flourish and have a truly fun and positive school experience.

My parents raised me to have good manners, be polite and respect others. These are attributes I believe to be very important in life and would therefore wish to incorporate in my teaching. It is imperative, however, to lay down these foundations and set expectations in the class with regards to behaviour from the outset. In addition to this, I intend to incorporate hands-on activities, classroom discussion and group/pair work, as is demonstrated in Vygotsky’s zone of proximal development, thus prompting the children to think creatively, explore their natural curiosity and share their ideas. I want them to know that no question is ever too silly to ask. My wish for them is to leave at the end of the year feeling confident, inspired, and enriched.

I remember, in my school years, having teachers who were quite strict, lectured from the front of the class and were unapproachable. My methodology therefore to create an environment opposite to this is very important to me, as I believe this static style of teaching subsequently contributed to my lack of confidence growing up. It was only at a later point in my life, as a mother that my standpoint changed, and I volunteered in a classroom at my children’s school. I found myself really enjoying it and loved helping the pupils and had great feedback from the class teachers about my capability. It was at this point that I started to consider working in a school as a possible career path and looked into training to become a Teaching Assistant. Five years later, I was working at an international school as a Library Assistant who read and acted out stories to Toddler and Nursery classes with my colleague. We received such lovely and encouraging comments from teachers, parents, and the Leadership Team that it gave me the belief and desire to become a teacher myself.

My desire is to make learning fun and to engage, capture and nurture a child’s development and be that teacher a child always remembers!


Rudolf Dreikurs, Don Sr. Dinkmeyer (2013). “Encouraging Children to Learn”, p.3, Routledge.

Alfie Kohn (1999). “Punished by Rewards: The Trouble with Gold Stars, Incentive Plans, A's, Praise, and Other Bribes”, p.255, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

May 09, 2022

What is your teaching philosophy? – Miriam Lim

What is your teaching philosophy? How has this originated, and can you evaluate how your educational touchstones will impact upon the teacher you aspire to be?

My teaching philosophy is based on my belief that students need to excel not only academically but also in life, and that ultimately, they are equipped with the skills and knowledge to deal with any challenges they may face inside and outside the classroom. In order for students to reach their full potential, teachers need to help them believe in themselves and give them the growth mindset needed for success. I believe this can be achieved through an abundance of encouragement and praise so that students feel safe in their learning and become eager to make bigger strides in their educational journey.

As an avid believer in the power of encouragement, I can relate to the argument by Schoenaker (2011) that “[e]ncouragement changes a person’s inner state by increasing one’s sense of self-worth and the belief in his or her potential […] The only thing that can unleash the awesome innate potential for growth in any individual or society is encouragement.” (p.xiii). Children and adults alike need praise and encouragement, but the younger years in particular constitute a critical period when individuals’ self-esteem and confidence are first established.

As a particularly shy student, it was with the teachers who encouraged me and truly understood me that I felt comfortable to learn and make mistakes, ultimately helping me to grow to become the best version of myself. On top of academic success, being a ‘well-rounded’ student was something I was continuously encouraged to be. Consequently, I engaged in many of the different extra-curricular activities on offer, and I now realize that those experiences built much of my character and how I interact with others. For example, the Duke of Edinburgh’s awards taught me not only to push myself physically, but also gave me the experience to discover what true teamwork is about and the importance of great leadership. Through the opportunity to take part in the Global Young Leaders conference, I met students from around the world and broadened my outlook on life and gained a deeper appreciation of other cultures, languages and beliefs.

As a teacher at an international school in Korea where students often consider academic success the be all and end all, I aspire to open my students’ eyes to the pathways that lead to becoming well-rounded students—and to the fact that success in life is not just about doing well in exams. I hope to ensure that they develop “the intellectual, personal and social resources that will enable them to participate as active citizens and workers and to flourish as individuals in a diverse and changing society” as stated in the TLRP’s ten principles of “Effective Teaching and Learning” (2007). I believe it is also essential that I have a growth mindset and believe that I can develop my own skills by seeing every student I teach as an opportunity for me to continue learning (Dweck, 2015). Being able to see the potential in all my students and maximizing their potential is something I strive to work towards. As a teacher, I hope to see them grow into confident young adults ready to face the uncertainty and challenges of their future.


Dweck, C. S. (2015) ‘Growth’, British Journal of Educational Psychology, 85(2), pp. 242–245. doi: 10.1111/BJEP.12072.

Schoenaker, T. J. L. (2011) Encouragement makes good things happen / Theo Schoenaker ; translated by R. John Huber ; with Jutta Street and Sandra Losa. New York : Routledge.

Teaching & Learning Research Programme (2007) ‘Research into action’, Principles into practice: A teacher’s guide to research evidence on teaching and learning,

May 03, 2022

What is your teaching philosophy? – Eric Leung

Teaching Philosophy Statement

I believe children have boundless potential. To nurture and unlock each child’s full potential, it is important to teach foundational concepts, skills and tools to support them in becoming lifelong learners and empower them to seek answers for themselves.

Unfortunately, today’s students face growing immense pressure and competition. The experience of school is high “academic expectations as sources of stress” (Tan & Yates, 2011, p. 389) is no longer confined to Confucian heritage societies, but it has become part of the broader “productivity agenda” (Ang, 2014, p. 187) advocated by international organizations and governments around the world. As a result, I have noticed many teachers delivering as much content as possible yet narrowly focused on preparing students for assessments and satisfying parent expectations. This is in stark contrast to my own journey as a student where I was allowed to explore my own interests and enjoyed a more balanced schooling experience. Consequently, I am convinced that a future wise education demands (Perkins, 2014) creating an environment that fosters a disposition towards a love of learning rather than mastering prescribed content.

As a teacher, I want to support children to connect abstract concepts learned in the classroom with real-world application through project-based learning (Kaldi, Fillippatou & Govaris, 2011) that allows them to achieve a depth to their learning thereby enabling them to apply their skills and understanding across all areas of the curriculum in order to be a creative innovators, entrepreneurial problem solvers, and critical thinkers. Given that children are born curious, creative and active learners, it is essential that teachers provide experiences that allow them to build on what they already know and construct new knowledge (Piaget, 1973) through experiential activities that encourage interactive and hands-on learning. Furthermore, the main role of the teacher is a facilitator; therefore, they should scaffold children’s learning at every opportunity by using open-ended questions that challenge and extend existing understandings and equip each child with the resources they need to support them in finding their own answers.

Each child is unique. Teachers need to recognize children develop at their own pace and should meet where the child is. Consequently, understanding each child holistically means: nurturing and celebrating their strengths as well as meeting diverse needs through instructional differentiation (Gardner, 2006). One of the joys of being a teacher is that I find great personal fulfilment when children develop greater confidence and reach their personal best.

After working in a Reggio inspired environment, I subscribe to the view that the environment is truly the third teacher because it is “intentionally visually appealing and stimulating with close attention paid to materials, colours, light microclimate and furnishings” (Miller & Pound, 2019, p.10-11). As such, I have an aesthetic preference for using neutral tones in creating displays to support a calm and inviting learning environment. I also am committed to creating a safe, caring and intellectually engaging setting that encourages children’s imagination, innovation, and resilience to explore their own interests and develop new perspectives.

Professional development is also extremely important to me as I continue my journey as a teacher. When I initially started teaching phonics, I immediately took the initiative to complete a TESOL qualification from Trinity College London because most of the pupils in my classes are non-native English speakers and I wanted to better understand the needs of EAL learners. I am committed to furthering developing myself as an effective teacher through learning about different pedagogical approaches as well as seeking constructive feedback from experienced teachers.


Ang , L. (2014). Preschool or prep school? Rethinking the role of early years education. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 15(2), 185-199.

Gardner, H. (2006). Multiple intelligences: New horizons. New York, NY: Basic Books.

Kaldi, S., Filippatou, D., & Govaris, C. (2011). Project-based learning in primary schools: Effects on pupils’ learning and attitudes. Education 3-13, 39(1), p.35-47.

Miller, L., & Pound, L. (2011). Taking a critical perspective. In L. Miller & L. Pound (Eds.), Theories and approaches to learning in the early years (pp. 1-17). London, UK: SAGE Publications.

Perkins, D. (2014). Future wise education: Educating our children for a changing world. San Francisco, CA: Wiley.

Piaget, J. (1973). To understand is to invent. New York: Grossman.

Tan, J. B., & Yates, S. (2011). Academic expectations as sources of stress in Asian students. Social Psychology of Education, 14(3), 389-407.

April 25, 2022

What is your teaching philosophy? – Kun Sze Wing Jacqueline

What is your teaching philosophy? How has this originated, and can you evaluate how your educational touchstones will impact upon the teacher you aspire to be?

Learning is a lifelong journey and teachers are in a unique position to model this for children. Many children are naturally curious, but whether their thirst for knowledge is carried beyond their schooling years depends greatly on the encouragement and engagement they receive during those years.

As a child, I had many questions. Keeping me entertained in the doctor’s waiting room was a simple yet gruelling task: I wanted the medical posters on the walls read and explained repeatedly. This task often fell to my mother, who happened to be an educator. She gave me the impression that teachers were patient, encouraging, and knowledgeable role-models. I looked forward to going to school, which I associated with the knowledge I thirsted for.

Unfortunately, I was quickly branded a “trouble child” with “too many questions” by my first kindergarten teacher. This taught me that wonder and expression came at the expense of being harshly told off. As a result, I developed a fear of school and dislike of learning, attitudes I carried into early Primary. Gradually though, through the encouragement and patience of many more primary and secondary school teachers, who were open to questions and failure, and themselves demonstrated a love for learning, my thirst for knowledge was rekindled and I still enjoy learning new things and skills just for fun.

The contrast in these approaches allowed me to appreciate how teachers impact students beyond the classroom and shaped my aspirations for the kind of teacher I want to be. Though teachers are usually the “more knowledgeable other” (Vygotsky, 1978) in the classroom in terms of subject knowledge, I view myself and my students as equals in the sense that we all have knowledge to impart and gain (Fenton, 2013). Furthermore, since children often learn through modelling and “adult-watching” (Bruner, 1973), I believe making the love of learning visible to students is vital in cultivating a mindset for lifelong learning, that gaining new knowledge is not only a necessary but enjoyable aspect of life. As such, I encourage my students to ask questions, voice uncertainty, and frame mistakes as positive parts of the learning process (Donaldson, 2020).

With Primary 1 and 2 students, I emphasize the importance of their voice, encouraging them to share their wonders and experiences, intentionally turning moments of confusion to “let’s find out together” moments. For Primary 5 and 6 students, I directly highlight in the beginning of the year that learning is a journey we embark on together, that though I may not have all the answers, all questions are welcome. Google Classroom is also utilized for question submission without peer pressure. In all year levels, I take time to acknowledge and correct my own mistakes in front of students, showing that making mistakes is normal.

Ultimately, I believe that making a classroom a place for discovery and curiosity, while also demonstrating the eagerness to learn and view the world through different perspectives, will help foster a continued thirst for lifelong learning and growing independence—and that for this stretch of their journey, like my own, students will have their teachers walking alongside with them.


Bruner, J. (1973). ‘Organization of Early Skilled Action’, Child Development, 44(1), pp1-11.

Donaldson, M. (2020). ‘Everything Go Upside Down: Navigating Mistakes in Early Learning and Teaching’, Schools: Studies in Education, 17(1), pp70-91.

Fenton, S. (2013). ‘Great Teaching in the 21st Century? ... it’s a Partnership – a shared journey of growth & learning’, Ethos, 21(3), pp13-17.

VYGOTSKIĬ, L. S., & COLE, M. (1978). Mind in society: the development of higher psychological processes. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

April 11, 2022

Creative Projects and the ‘state of play’ in diverse assessments – Lewis Beer

As a member of the newly formed ‘Diverse Assessments’ Learning Circle in WIHEA (led by Leda Mirbahai and Isabel Fischer), how have you engaged with this topic during your time in Higher Education, and are there any lessons for the future?

Back in 2015, while teaching on a Shakespeare module in Warwick’s English Department, I worked with several students who chose not to write a standard academic essay, but instead to submit a Creative Project – for instance a painting, an animated film, a screenplay – accompanied by a reflective essay. Students were advised to centre their project on a clear research question, and were also told that the project would be assessed not for its artistic quality but for its achievement ‘as a piece of intellectual exploration’.

None of this was my idea, and frankly it made me nervous. But when I saw the students’ creative outputs and accompanying reflections, and read the feedback my colleagues gave them, I could see the unique benefits of this assessment method. One student, Amy Brandis, produced a 55-minute documentary called Lady Macbeth: From Stratford to Stage. She sourced A/V equipment, enlisted the help of students, staff, and people outside the university, and developed filming and editing skills to a high standard. She also reflected incisively on the intellectual exploration entailed by this process. Amy has since pursued a career as a writer, film-maker, and script consultant. For students like her, the Creative Project opened up types of intellectual discourse, and levels of insight, that fall outside the scope of a ‘standard’ essay. It also enabled students to explore topics in a way that fed into their broader development goals: not just academic development, but also personal and professional.

Five years later, compiling the Student Innovation at Warwick report during my time in Warwick Enterprise, I spoke to over 120 colleagues across 33 departments about the myriad ways in which Warwick students can ‘engage with innovation’. One way is through innovative pedagogy, and especially through non-standard modes of assessment that encourage students to be creative and take risks. Not only in the English Department, but also in Engineering, Psychology, History, and many others, academics model the risk-positive mindset they want to foster: it’s no mean feat to overcome the administrative and pedagogical challenges of creating new assessment schemes, getting them approved, and introducing them to curious but anxious students. In my current role, supporting Warwick’s involvement in the EUTOPIA Alliance, I see this spirit of pedagogic experimentation playing out on an even larger scale. It’s wonderful that there is so much interesting work being done in this area, but more than a little overwhelming.

The WIHEA-funded project we will carry out in the ‘Diverse Assessments’ Learning Circle, between now and the end of 2022, is an opportunity to explore these issues more deeply, and with a sense of focus that makes the exploration feasible. The Learning Circle members are now pooling their knowledge and experiences to understand the current ‘state of play’ regarding diverse assessments at Warwick. We look forward to consulting a wider range of staff and students to understand the benefits and challenges of diversifying assessment schemes, and to help shape Warwick’s future vision regarding diverse assessments.

There’s still room for more people to join our circle! For further information, please contact the co-leads: Leda Mirbahai, Warwick Medical School (WMS) ( and Isabel Fischer, Warwick Business School (WBS) (

Link to blog one: Interested in diverse assessments?

Link to blog three: A Student Perspective on Assessment Diversity and Strategy

April 05, 2022

What is your teaching philosophy? – Hayley Juniper

What is your teaching philosophy? How has this originated, and can you evaluate how your educational touchstones will impact upon the teacher you aspire to be?

My teaching philosophy is centred around providing students with the skills and knowledge to find and pursue their passion and interests. This is strongly related to creating a unique individual rapport between students. As educators I feel it is our responsibility to allow students to flourish, through their studies and beyond.

Reflecting upon my own experience growing up, I wasn’t particularly academic on paper, but I always felt confident and succeeded with practical activities. I was a very outgoing and adventurous child; I always wanted to try new things and go to new places. I loved wildlife and knew quite early on what I wanted to do in the future; conservation and environmental studies. My parents encouraged me to try everything I could and pursue any passion or interest I had. Through this support and the voice of my mother, “the world is your oyster”, I achieved my passion and from that I have experienced some amazing events in life and been to some remote places around the world studying conservation.

From this original path, life took me in a new direction where I started teaching environmental education to local schools in Thailand, which then took me further into becoming a qualified TEFL teacher.

“Since the dawn of time, people have thought differently, acted differently, and fared differently from each other” (Dr Dweck, C S, 2017, p.5) and this could not be more apparent than walking into a classroom with 30 students in front of you. As teachers we need to be adaptable to the unique individuality of students with an approachable mindset. I feel my travelling experiences have helped shape my ability to relate to different people, cultures and upbringings. I believe this enables me to adapt to students’ needs, interests, and personalities on a wider scale. Which therefore helps me to create a unique rapport between different students.

As teachers we are more than merely academic educators; our role includes providing students with the skills needed to continue through life. As stated by OECD (2015), “social and emotional development of students is as important as the acquisition of subject-specific knowledge.”

Therefore, in reflection of this and from my own personal experiences, I believe I strive to provide students with the environment and skills that would allow them to develop as they continue through their studies and beyond. More so, guide them down the right path as to how to pursue any interest or passion they have, just as I was as a child. Since “students spend about a third of their waking hours in school during most weeks of the year” (OECD, 2015), it is our role to inspire them to find their passion and unique interests. Therefore, creating the right learning environment and building a strong rapport with students is key to igniting their passion and drive along with helping them succeed through their academic journey.


Dweck, C S. (2017) Changing the way you think to fulfil you potential. London: Robinson

OECD. (2015), Do teacher-student relations affect students' well-being at school?. PISA in Focus. 50.

March 28, 2022

What is your teaching philosophy? – Ruth Graham

What is your teaching philosophy? How has this originated, and can you evaluate how your educational touchstones will impact upon the teacher you aspire to be?

I hope to become a teacher who embodies the apparently oxymoronic qualities of planning and passion and, to create an alliterative trio, is also pupil-centred.

As a child I attended international school in Italy until I was nine, and then returned to primary school in England. On my arrival, I was unsure about the new syllabus, which included a language new to me, French. I worried the two terms of French I had missed had included vital information. This insecurity remained throughout my educational career and despite being a strong linguist, I abandoned French as soon as possible.

A planned and pupil-centred approach would have changed this. If my primary teacher had assessed my prior knowledge, as stipulated in TS 2, and explained what I had missed and how to rectify it, I could have built on a secure knowledge base.

As a teacher, I plan to value a child as an individual: understanding personal, family and educational circumstances; using diagnostic assessment to assess prior knowledge; and assuring them that together we will fill in gaps. This is particularly relevant in international schools with mobile populations. Just how strongly prior knowledge impacts a child’s learning was illustrated by researchers Recht and Leslie, who stated, ‘Prior knowledge creates a scaffolding for information in memory,’ (1988, p.19) and showed relevant prior knowledge was more strongly linked to mental retention of a text than reading ability.

The initial assessment stage of planning is just the beginning. Planning involves continual assessment, formative and summative; response to students’ needs; and delivery of structured, differentiated lessons meeting required learning outcomes.

The best planned lessons, however, will not make a lasting impact if they are not delivered with passion, with the belief the subject is valuable and exciting. Passion transforms knowledge into something which not only informs but inspires. In fact, according to Robert L Fried, ‘When I ask myself what makes the greatest difference in the quality of student learning - it is a teacher’s passion that leaps out,’ (2001, p.16).

Again, passion alone is unproductive. An English teacher at my comprehensive school, who declared shortly before my A Levels, ‘Life isn’t all about exams,’ abandoning set texts to explore personal favourites, plunged the class and fellow teachers into despair. However, combined, these two qualities can lead to an enjoyment and understanding of a subject which inspires lifelong learning, and fosters skills and knowledge supporting cross-curricular achievement.

My O Level English teacher exemplified this marriage of planning and passion, demonstrating outstanding understanding of TS 3 and 4. His knowledge of his subject was exceptional. I wanted to study journalism so he focused on my poor spelling. I remember the security I felt when, on the first lesson, he outlined the syllabus, what we would cover in each lesson and exactly how we would achieve this. I also remember out-of-hours film clubs with animated lectures on favourite directors; trips to the National Theatre; passionate discussions in class; and introductions to authors who have become lifelong sources of comfort, joy and inspiration.

The outpouring of emotion from past students on his death last year demonstrates the lifelong impact of a teacher who focuses on pupils’ individual needs with both passion and planning.

References list

Leslie, L. and Recht, D. (1988). Effect of Prior Knowledge on Good and Poor Readers' Memory of Text. Journal of Educational Psychology. 80 (1), pp. 16-20.

Fried, R. L. (2001). The Passionate Teacher: A Practical Guide. 2nd ed, Boston: Beacon Press.

March 21, 2022

The challenges and opportunities in supporting boys' achievement through engagement with reading

by Victoria Andrews

In July 2021, the Department for Education (DfE) published ‘The reading framework – Teaching the foundations of literacy’, this outlines the relationship between high reading standards and a child’s future academic achievement, wellbeing, and success in life (DfE, 2021). The reading and writing of standard English is central for pupils being able to access, and achieve, in the remainder of their academic curriculum. However, the National Literacy Trust report a significant gender gap regarding reading. Boys spend less time reading for enjoyment: in 2005, 46.1% of boys and 56.8% of girls read for enjoyment; by 2019 these percentages had grown slightly to 46.5% and 60.3% respectively (Clark, 2020). During the pandemic, reading for enjoyment widened from 2.3% at the beginning of 2020 to 11.5% during lockdown (Clark and Picton, 2020, p.2).

Geert Driessen’s 2011 study on ‘Gender Differences in Education’ voices a moral panic however, he questions whether the gender gap has widened in favour of girls or whether all pupils have progressed over the last few decades (Driessen, 2011). Charlotte Lichter demonstrates the historical pattern of the gender gap but has only recently been considered problematic, quoting John Locke’s concerns “for boys’ failure to master Latin and perfect written and oral English” in the eighteenth century (Lichter, 2007, p.7). While boys struggled to study classics, girls’ expressive oral skills were noted, Lichter contends that once girls gained access to education, and particularly language, it enabled them to outperform boys. (Lichter, 2007). Michele Cohen posits that boys’ underperformance was attributed to ‘a sign of his deep thinking and profound potential’ (Cohen, 1998, p.25). Indeed in 1923, the Board of Education detailed that boyishness was a habit of healthy idleness and this contentious idea of hegemonic masculinity is highlighted again in Hodgetts’ journal on ‘Underperformance or ‘Getting it right’?’ (Hodgetts, 2008). Hodgetts aligns with Lichter, writing that masculinity is not a new trend and analyses the constructions of gender in relation with boys’ achievement decline, in particular evaluating masculinity in reproducing the problem of boys’ underperformance, (Hodgetts, 2008). Reflecting on the historiography provided by Lichter, it is evident that the sociological constructions enabling boys’ underachievement in the English classroom, a place that is conceptualised as ‘feminine’, has ensured that the achievement gap remains.

Motivation is central for learning, however the way it is approached by girls and boys is different and thus, affects motivation. Intrinsic motivation explains behaviours driven by internal rewards rather than for gratification, regarding reading this is ‘reading for pleasure’ rather than for reward or recognition. Mark Roberts emphasises that girls have significantly higher intrinsic reading motivation thus, they can read without want of external reward or recognition (Roberts, 2022). Boys may lack intrinsic motivation for reading due to the perspective that reading is a feminine activity. Therefore, this reinforces the debate about the social construct of gender identity rather than simply biological make-up (Roberts, 2022, p.135). The consequence of boys’ low motivation for reading is severe, as the critical discussion points to an explicit relationship between frequency of reading and high achievement in English assessments (Department for Education, 2012).

There is a wider societal challenge of gender expectations which socialises young boys and girls from an early age which cannot be addressed within this essay nor in an immediate short-term plan due to the complexity of the issue. However, teachers can play a key role in positively supporting their students and creating a culture whereby reading is an inclusive activity. This will help to guide boys through the discourse of gender expectations and enable a more fluid idea of ‘masculinity’. In tackling the central cultural problem of identity through choosing more engaging and relevant texts for their students, teachers can become a force for good in helping to improve attainment and reduce boys’ anxiety about what it means to be masculine. There is not a singular reason which means that girls perform better in English assessments, it is rather that they do not face the same ostracization or peer pressure experienced by males and therefore are able to engage and attain to the best of their ability.

Reference List

Clark, C. and Teravainen-Goff, A. (2020) Children and young people’s reading in 2019 Findings from our Annual Literacy Survey National Literacy Trust.

Clark, C. and Picton I. (2020) Children and young people’s reading in 2020 before and during the COVID-19 lockdown. National Literacy Trust.

Department for Education (2012). Research evidence on reading for pleasure Education standards research team. [online] Available at:

Department for Education (2021). The reading framework Teaching the foundations of literacy. [online] Available at:

Driessen, G. (2011). Gender differences in education: Is there really a “boys’ problem”. In Annual Meeting ECER, Berlin.

Hodgetts, K. (2008). Underperformance or “getting it right”? Constructions of gender and achievement in the Australian inquiry into boys’ education. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 29(5), pp.465–477.

LICHTER, C. (2007). Manners, Intellect, and Potential: A Historiography on the Underachievement of Boys in Literacy. Counterpoints, [online] 315, pp.3–15. Available at: [Accessed 9 Jan. 2022].

Roberts, M. (2022). The boy question: how to teach boys to succeed in school. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, Ny: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.

March 14, 2022

Interested in diverse assessments? – Isabel Fischer et al.

Interested in diverse assessments? Join our learning circle for an exciting grant-funded project on the future of assessments.

Authors: Isabel Fischer; Leda Mirbaha; Lewis Beer; Dawn Collins; Peter Fossey; Celine Martin; Natasha Nakariakov; Pula Prakash; Farrah Vogel-Javeri

We have recently created an interdisciplinary learning circle which aims to optimise the learning opportunities for Warwick students. We want to ensure that the teaching and learning opportunities are inclusive and cater for our diverse student community. Assessment and feedback are critical stages in the learning process. Using diverse assessments will ensure that students are not unfairly disadvantaged or advantaged by a specific form of assessment. Although it is worth noting that what may count as diverse assessment in one faculty may not necessary be seen as a diverse assessment approach in another. Therefore, using diverse assessments comes with its own challenges and barriers such as:

  • Diversification without sufficient opportunity for students to practice and get familiar with the new and different forms of assessment, disadvantaging group of students that may not be as familiar with certain style of assessments
  • The resource and time component needed for familiarisation then reduces the uptake and engagement by faculty with more innovative assessment approaches

Therefore, the aim of this learning circle is to capture both staff and student experience of diverse assessments and to involve students, staff, and other stakeholders in shaping the future of assessments. Furthermore, the learning circle aims to develop practical recommendations on overcoming some of the challenges associated with use of diverse assessments which will significantly benefit the community.

To achieve this we need your support!

If we have not yet convinced you to join our learning circle, then read on:

Vision: Our vision is to foster an inclusive environment where assessments are designed and developed in partnership with students, staff, and external stakeholders, to effectively promote learning, valuing students’ uniqueness and considering their future employment(s) and wellbeing, as well as the social and environmental responsibility and sustainability of the wider community.

Mission. Our mission is to:

  • Gather existing data on practices around use of diverse and inclusive assessments, including Warwick staff and student experiences
  • Develop shared understanding of principles and practice of diverse assessment
  • Develop an evaluative framework for measuring the success of diversified assessment strategies at module, year, and course level
  • Capture student and staff views on diverse assessments

To help us achieve our mission we have successfully applied and been awarded a WIHEA funding which will enable us to capture staff and student experiences of some of the diverse and innovative assessment approaches used in different disciplines to address some of the key questions around: 1) perception of diverse assessments from a staff and student perspective, 2) practical tips for successful application of the assessment method and marking, 3) communicating assessed skills and requirements, 4) overcoming challenges. To achieve this, we will conduct interviews with staff and students and will share resources, included but not limited to examples of assessments, marking and feedback rubrics and assessment briefs.

For further information on joining the learning circle please contact the co-leads: Leda Mirbahai, Warwick Medical School (WMS) ( and Isabel Fischer, Warwick Business School (WBS) (

Stay tuned for further updates and blogs on our initiative, such as: Creative Projects and the ‘state of play’ in diverse assessments – Lewis Beer

March 07, 2022

What is your teaching philosophy? – Wenjing Gong

What is your teaching philosophy? How has this originated and can you evaluate how your educational touchstones will impact on the teacher you aspire to be?

My teaching philosophy has been profoundly formed and shaped by my touchstone. I was born and grew up in China, I started to learn English in Year 3, but l could not speak English until I entered University where I met the amazing teachers who totally changed my point of view in studying language. I am deeply inspired by their teaching methodology and passionately believe that the successful teaching in the language classroom lies in: positive classroom culture, cognitive engagement and academic achievement.

Creating a positive and engaging classroom atmosphere is one of the most powerful tools teachers can use to encourage children's learning and prevent problematic behaviours from occurring (Conroy 2009). I always greet and connect with each student individually at the beginning of the lesson, even if it takes a few minutes, it shows I see and care about them. Once we established a positive relationship with the class, we created a smooth path for our future teaching. The key to assertive discipline is catching students being good and letting them know you like it. (Lee Canter 1989) I take every opportunity to celebrate the joyful success of learning with students. I am very generous in giving praise in the classroom and providing positive homework feedback, as well as rewarding house points. For me, these are very powerful strategies for improving students’ learning and lead to greater motivation.

I still remember how hard I struggled to memorize all the grammar rules in high school. I was upset to see poor grades on examination papers after practising hundreds of question papers, let alone making a real dialogue. Influenced by my English learning experience, I believe the teachers’ role shouldn’t be just standing at the front of the classroom cramming details of grammar, but providing activities that engage students to apply the target language in communication and problem-solving. Inspired by Gardner’s multiple intelligence theory that people do not have just an intellectual capacity, but have many kinds of intelligence, including musical, interpersonal, spatial-visual, and linguistic intelligences (Howard Gardner 1983), I always present the lessons with pictures, videos, ICT tools, TPR, learning based activities to provide students with diverse and authentic Mandarin learning experience and carefully evaluate if the activities are the most effective use of the lesson time. “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” - Ben Franklin. Assigning pair work and group work is another effective way to motivate active learning and encourage peer teaching. Not only helping to build up team spirit and trust connections among students by engaging everyone into meaningful tasks but also developing their communication and problem solving skills.

Besides providing my students with a rich and enjoyable learning journey, I also set high expectations and apply meaningful differentiation to challenge their academic potential. Frequently, I build core, extension and extension plus tasks to ensure that I extend the most able student, meanwhile ensuring the core curriculum is accessible to all learners. Teachers have 3 loves: love of learning, love of learners and the love of bringing the first two loves together - Scott Hayden. I am very grateful to be a teacher. It brings me a lot of happiness and fulfilment to witness each student’s improvement in their learning joinery, which makes my life more inspirational and meaningful.

Reference List

Lee Canter, 1989. Assertive Discipline: More than Names on the Board and Marbles in a Jar. The Phi Delta Kappan, Vol. 71, No. 1 (Sep., 1989), pp. 57-61

Maureen A. Conroy, Kevin S. Sutherland, Angela Snyder, Maha Al-Hendawi, Abigail Vo, Creating a Positive Classroom Atmosphere: Teachers' Use of Effective Praise and Feedback. Beyond Behavior, v18 n2 p18-26 Win 2009

Howard Gardner, 1983. Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. NYC: Basic Books

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