December 14, 2017

Blog writing guidance

Can I write about anything in my blog post?

Yes pretty much. Academic cultural critique (Thomson and Mewburn, 2013) is always a good source of content for academic blogs. This can include (but is not limited to) comments and reflections on funding; higher education policy or academic life. You might also want to consider blogging about:

  • Academic practice (Saper, 2006)
  • Information and/or self-help advice
  • Technical, teaching and careers advice
  • Your research or practice
  • How you’ve undertaken research
  • Impact of research on your practice
  • An area of research/practice that interests you
  • Your experiences/reflections

How long can my blog post be?

Each individual blog post should be no longer than 500 words. Long blocks of text are sometimes hard for readers to digest. Break up your content into shorter paragraphs, bullet points and lists whenever possible. Also include a list of keywords or tags as this makes it easier for Google to find your work.

Do I need to use citations?

No, this is a reflective piece so it does not need to include citations (but you obviously can include them if they are relevant).

Can I include links or images?

We would encourage you to include links to any articles that you have considered whilst writing your blog post. We also welcome the use of images (as long as you have permission to use them) as they can often help to illustrate a point and obviously will not be included in the word limit. Please remember this is a public site so if you want to include images of your students in your classes then you will need permission to do this.

Who will review my blog post?

In the first instance Kate Mawson or Abi Ball will read your blog post. If the number of postings increases beyond what they can reasonably cope with then other academic colleagues in CTE will be asked to read your work. There is no peer review as such we read purely for QA.

Will the reading process be anonymous?

No. Due to the nature of the editing process on the WJETT blog it is not possible to anonymise the reading process, we will know who submitted the post.

Will my work be checked for spelling and grammatical errors?

We are not offering a draft post reading service - if anything really obvious is spotted we will let you know but we publish what you send so do please check your post over before sending.

What is the process for submitting a piece of work?

Your blog post should be emailed to either or Once the submission has been readd it will either be uploaded at the beginning of the next available week or kept on file for posting in the future, we have a content calendar to try to vary the blog output by theme.

How often will the WJETT blog be updated?

The blog will be updated once a week with a new blog . If we have more than one article per week these will be held in reserve and submitted gradually each week. This ensures that there is regular new content added to the blog.


Saper, C. (2006) 'Reconstruction', Blogademia, 6(4), pp. 1–15.

Thomson, P. and Mewburn, I. (2013) 'Why do academics blog? An analysis of audiences, purposes and challenges', Studies in Higher Education, 38(8), pp. 1105–1119.

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