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All entries for January 2019

January 21, 2019

Why smart people do foolish things?

Sorry for the late entry guys! A very happy new year and hope everyone had a great break!!

Research by Heather A. Butler discusses how smart people can do silly things! I am sure it will related for you guys!

"The advantages of being intelligent are undeniable. Intelligent people are more likely to get better grades and go farther in school. They are more likely to be successful at work. And they are less likely to get into trouble (e.g., commit crimes) as adolescents. Given all the advantages of intelligence, though, you may be surprised to learn that it does not predict other life outcomes, such as well-being. You might imagine that doing well in school or at work might lead to greater life satisfaction, but several large scale studies have failed to find evidence that IQ impacts life satisfaction or longevity. Grossman and his colleagues argue that most intelligence tests fail to capture real-world decision-making and our ability to interact well with others. This is, in other words, perhaps why “smart” people, do “dumb” things."

Read on the full article on: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-do-smart-people-do-foolish-things/

Have a great week guys! :D

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