All entries for Monday 03 February 2020
February 03, 2020
The Best Way to Spend Bad Days by Maarten van Doorn
Lying in my bed, on my back, I can feel it: Today is going to be a shitty day.I briskly turn on my side — a desperate attempt to go back to sleep and wake up again, and maybe, miraculously, feel good. It doesn’t work. I’m awake. The bed is uncomfortable. But the alternative — getting out from under the blanket and working on my dissertation — sounds even worse. In this moment, it feels pointless.
I’m not a stranger to mornings like this, when negativity spreads its message to my every cell. When you know you’re facing down a bad day, it can feel as though the motivation has drained from your body.
“When you’re thinking about your work and you feel an uncomfortable lack of excitement, that might say more about your current mental state than about your overall view of your job. Just because you don’t find yourself jumping out of bed on a daily basis doesn’t necessarily mean something is amiss in the grander scheme of things.
But that doesn’t help much in the short term — what if you, at this moment, are still stuck? If you’re waiting for inspiration to make you get out of bed, you’re being unfair toward inspiration. It needs a little help from your side. Inspiration will show up when you do.”
Read the full article on Medium, link: