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June 16, 2020

Study Abroad in England like Shaleeza Ibrahim

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Shaleeza Ibrahim shares her summer school experience at a top 10 university in the UK!

Meet Shaleeza:

Meet Shaleeza

Shaleeza Ibrahim from Pakistan, Studied Communications and Marketing at Warwick Summer School in 2018.

What made Shaleeza want to study abroad?

Exactly a month ago today I decided to go abroad for my summer school to gain some experience. As UK is ranked one of the best places for students to go and study, it was my top priority to apply to one of the well reputed universities in London.

While searching, I came across Warwick's web page and found their courses really interesting. What I found the most attractive was that Warwick wasn't just offering us students to only learn but actually have fun! And so I applied for Communications and Marketing.

The first day of summer school

As the Dean, Abhinay said on the first day, "Study hard, but play harder". There and then I knew, this will be exciting. I must say, Warwick did a great job living up to my expectations. Everything was so well planned and co-ordinated. The events and trips were managed in such a professional manner.


Meeting the team

Our administrator, Casey was extremely friendly and supportive throughout the course. He was so understanding and actually there to listen to all the students' needs. Thank you Casey for being so fun and making sure everyone was having a blast.

The experience

I had the pleasure of meeting some exciting and talented bunch of people, all thanks to Merlin Stone. Merlin, your teaching style has actually made me realise how fun marketing is. I am so glad I chose marketing as my career. It’s safe to say, for the very first time in my life, I actually had fun preparing for any exam. It was challenging but so interesting at the same time.


The verdict

Thank you Warwick for hosting such a wonderful summer school. It really was one of my best decisions.


June 15, 2020

Friendships and memories that last forever

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Warwick Summer School alumni Arushi Singh looks back on visiting a castle, meeting like-minded students and making friendships that will last a lifetime!

Meet Arushi...

Meet Arushi, smiling at Warwick summer school.

I was lucky enough to attend the University of Warwick Summer School (WSS) held at St. Mary’s University, London and the primary reason I chose Warwick’s summer programme was because of various subjects offered and the top faculty confirmed to teach. I studied the Behavioural Economics course during my stay in London and I had the privilege of interacting with not one but three professors during the three-week course. The lectures were highly interactive and informative, and the tutorial/seminar classes were a great addition as they allowed us to not only revise concepts, but also gain more clarity on certain topics in smaller, more focused class sizes.

Exploring London during summer...

london summer school, group work

Aside from the excellent academic support, WSS also offered an enriching and fun social programme. You are never bored during free time/weekends as the staff always had something planned for the students. From playing football to singing my heart out at the karaoke night, the three weeks with Warwick was the best way to spend my summer - it was so fun to meet and socialise with other students from all over the world. The fact that the campus was not too far from Central London made it really convenient to explore London’s main attractions as and when we had free time, but to also have time to relax and study quietly in our room or at the library. We were also able to visit areas outside of London as WSS organised trips to various places like Brighton, Oxford and The West End Theatre – I would definitely recommend attending the additional trips offered as they were low cost and very well organised, but also gave us plenty of free time to explore and visit local shops. WSS also organized a guest speaker series, where eminent speakers from their respective fields delivered talks that were inspiring and motivational – it was amazing to speak with high profile speakers face to face and ask questions about their talk.

Visiting the castle...

St Marys University

St. Mary’s campus was beautiful - there is an amazing castle called Strawberry Hill House on the grounds, which was the venue for our farewell reception on the final day. It was so cool to walk around and take pictures of the amazing gothic architecture. St Mary’s really did have everything we needed during our stay: a campus library, refectory, café, athletics track, SU bar, laundry room and much more!

Memories to look back on...

2018 Gradutation picture, all at st Marys laughing and under gold and blue balloon arch

The most memorable thing that I took back home were the friendships I made and the lovely experiences I had. The fact that I was able to interact with like-minded students from 42 nationalities was surreal and eye-opening – we didn’t just learn from Warwick faculty on our chosen course, but we also learnt a lot from each other throughout the three weeks in London. The exposure that WSS provides is something I would recommend to any individual looking to broaden their horizons. The three weeks not only helps one grow but it also allows one to push their boundaries and escape their comfort zone. WSS made sure that at every step throughout the programme all the students would get the opportunity to interact, learn and develop lifelong friendships with one another.

2018 Graduation, Arushi and friends

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