January 20, 2019

If You Love Unique Experiences, You’ll Love Warwick Summer School

Writing about web page https://warwick.ac.uk/about/london/study/warwick-summer-school/

The Warwick Summer School isn't just about personal development in your chosen subject, it's also about having new and unique experiences, and as cheesy as it sounds, one that you'll remember forever!

Hear from one of our Alumni, Mohsin Nasir, on his own experience of the Warwick Summer School.

My journey to London was just magnificent. Not only did I learn a great deal about travelling, but I was also able to recognise my true self and unlock my potential.

Studying and roaming around with people from different walks of life felt like an exquisite experience that I cannot describe in words. I can feel the positive change that this exposure has brought in me. My perception of living abroad changed quite as much, I noticed that the people of London were extremely helpful and polite.

Regarding the Warwick Summer School, it had amazing teachers with tremendous knowledge and their teaching style was superb. Moreover, Warwick Summer School made us enjoy to the fullest as there were exciting events almost every day. Lastly, London is itself a place where you can never get bored, it has the best subway system in the world so I didn't need to think twice before going anywhere!

Mohsin Nasir studied International Development in 2017

certificate-mohsin.jpgexperience-mohsin.jpgGraduation Ceremony

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