All entries for May 2010

May 10, 2010

Programming in SAP, ABAP

Writing about web page ERP, SAP, ABAP


Two years ago, I did a internship n Turkish company which is callled Zorlu Holding. In this company, there just started to use SAP, for this reason they give importance to SAp implementions.  At that point, I met with ABAP (Advanced Business Programming9 which  is for developing applications in SAP. In the company, nobody knowABAP programming, so they were calling consultant firms. It can be seen as shameful situation for this company but many people don't know how the write codes in ABAP in the world and the resources about ABAP is very limited.Because I came from computer engineering, I wondered the structure of ABAp .I searched internet and I found very useful source for people who want to develop SAP applications by using ABAP. The book is written by Horst Keller and Sascha Kruger and published by SAP Press. It will be useful to explain to book by looking its cover. According to the cover,  this book inccludes

  • The new ABAP Workbench and the most important features of the ABAP language.
  • The fundamentals of ABAP programming, including the ABAP runtime environment.
  • The core ABAP language elements.
  • The two ABAP programming models - classical and object-oriented - and their relevant statements.
  • Advanced concepts of OO programming with ABAP Objects.
  • Programming the SAP user interface.
  • Database access with OpenSQL.
  • ABAP glossary and a complete list of system fields.

Also in the book, there are two Cds,which include example programs written in ABAP language.

May 09, 2010

Methods of finding Intangible in your business



I have uploaded a few downloaded journal article which will help you identify the intangibles in any business.

I hope you find it helpful


May 08, 2010

Strategy Maps – ERP

Writing about web page


The followink link is about company called Darex-Ohmeda that faced tough competiton in 21st century from its competitors. So the executive decided to build up a Strategy map to crystalise its thinking and move on from its historic strategy. The company has done a detail analysis of its strength and weaknesses along with furture goals before arriving at the objectives. I hope you will find it helpful



May 06, 2010

Recommendation the useful books of Balanced Scorecard and Strategy Map Readiness.

I would like to recommend useful books to help you more clearly understand both Balanced Scorecard and Strategy Map Readiness.

1. The Balanced Scorecard: Translating strategy into action by Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton.

Balanced Scorecard: Translating strategy into action

This book explains in-deep details how to measure business strategy of Balanced Scorecard which are Financial, customer, internal-business-process and Learning and Growth Perspective.

I hope this book can help you more understand how to draw the strategy map.

You can read this book online follow the link below:

2. Strategy maps: converting intangible assets into tangible outcomes by Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton.


This book  can help you understand how to transfer the set of strategic processes into Strategic Readiness Map for Information Capital.It has a chapter of Information Capital Readiness (Chapter 9) which provides brief descriptions of Information Capital categories such as Transformational Application, analytic Application and so on.

You can read this book online follow the link below:

P.s. Some pages cannot be read due to the copyright. But there are some books in our Library.

I hope these books will help you can do PMA easier.

Good Luck

Chutima Thairungroj

Jianwei ZHANG

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