July 12, 2010

Reflections on ERP

I have read a lot of blogs from various people who have completed the ERP module and it seems everyone is here to define the meaning of ERP and its technical attributes. I feel as if I am still reading textbooks when reading most of the blogs. However, there are also some useful information contained within some of them. Many literature sources describe the significance of ERP systems with regards to its ability to coordinate company information and data from all areas within an organisation and integrate it with the business processes.  This apparently allows for easy circulation of information and data sharing.  From my practical experience of using the SAP software during the ERPI module, I could confidently say that it is a very rigid software package for an application that is supposed to enhance business processes.  Also, a look at both the Oracle and SAP websites reveal so many solutions and applications - some having repetitive functions embedded within different packages. The first question that actually springs to mind is; how does an organisation determine the most useful applications or functions especially with the lurking realization that the implementation is going to be considerably costly? Secondly with the constant updates in technology, how would an organisation benefit without spending large sums of money trying to update already expensive systems? These are the questions that I shall be pondering on when researching further on ERP and its implementation.

- 4 comments by 1 or more people Not publicly viewable

  1. robinjack

    Like to read a blog on ERP after so many days…...

    SAP Certification in London

    12 Jul 2010, 11:38

  2. I agree with your points above very much with the reflection on ERP. In fact for a company to understand its business function is an important step for choosing suitable ERP modules to optimise the business workflow and avoid the costly charge with the vendor. That is why some organisation reach its integration failure due to the higher investment in the ERP system, even though ERP is a powerful tools to enhance business in its nature of use.

    30 Apr 2011, 15:24

  3. Computer software is just a tool to manage the company. It must be integrated with the process of the business to provide procise information to the deciders to make the decision. Not all companies are suitble for ERP because it took years for a company to realize the integration of information soft and the business process.

    04 May 2011, 03:23

  4. I want to walk about the legacy system. Legacy systems include the existing business processes, organization structure, culture, and information technology. It determins the difficulty that the company need to change the systems. It is an opportunity for company to make the change to satisfy the current needs and achieve continuous improvements

    04 May 2011, 23:11

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