April 20, 2016

Compare BI and ERP

As th time for age of big data is coming, how to manage mass of data and find the useful information in mass of date is the developing way. Now, big data in business have two developement directions--Business Intellengence (BI) and Enterprise Resource Planning. Now I want talk about the diffrence and common compaired BI and ERP.

BI canbe discrbed as "a set of techniques and tools for the acquisition and transformation od raw data into meaningful and useful information for business analysis perpose", BI fucus on data management. The main fuction of BI is through import data from other systems (ERP data is one of database fro BI) and export the data analysis sumarize. Gnerally speaking, BI can divided three parts. The three parts respetivily are data warehouse (numerous centralized storage of data); data extraction (with extraction tools to find the needed data from data warehouse); and front-end display (such as report, PDA).


Turner,Dawn M. "What is Venture Management".

Yanjun Wang (1550539)

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