November 20, 2019

Other ideas about learning organization

Although I submitted the first PMA two days ago, I still have some ideas about learning organisation that cannot be added into PMA. I have to say it is a really good platform here.

I remember that the learning organisation began to become a new focus in the field of human resources around 2015, and articles and training about it began to appear frequently in many human resources magazines, websites and training institutions. My former company is no exception.

However, from the enterprises or cases I have been able to contact, most of them put the breakthrough point of learning enterprises on organizational learning and corporate training. And then over the course of a few years, they did a great job of training, but the original idea of building a learning organization disappeared.

Personally, I think there are two big problems in the practice of learning organization system in China. I did not discuss them in PMA because I did not have a good idea to solve them.

First, to build a learning organization means to change the organization, which usually lasts 3-5 years or even longer. And in the process, many systems need to be re-established in all aspects of the organization, both inside and outside. This is why after decades of development, most enterprises still have to cross the river by feeling the stones to build a learning organization. More importantly, for entrepreneurs, most of them do not have the patience to spend so many years to build a system full of uncertainty, and the average life span of small and medium-sized enterprises in China is only 4 years. Bosses are more focused on making money and surviving.

Second, to build a learning organization, the most difficult part is "Personal Mastery". I think for most people, learning is a pain, but not learning or staying in your comfort zone is a pleasure, especially as you get older and your memory starts to decline. Therefore, to build a learning organization is to fight against human instinct, just like asking people to overcome their bad habits, like lazy.

Therefore, the construction of the learning organization in many enterprises only improves the training level and the training system. It is so difficult.

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