All entries for Monday 21 October 2019

October 21, 2019

Some feelings after the first course

Just now when I was cooking in the flat kitchen, I heard a flatmate say, "Half of the semester has passed and one-sixth of the year has passed". How amazing! Completely unconsciously!

After three professors' lectures, three seminars and four presentations, the first course of major was over. Honestly, in terms of the format of the lecture, it was pretty much what I expected. Heuristic guidance and case discussions are very useful, especially for those of us who have some work experience. As for the content of the course, one part is what I have been exposed to in my previous work and the other is what I don't know much about, which is exactly good for me.

But the accents of different countries really brought me a lot of trouble in my adaption. I hope I can solve it as soon as possible.

Looking forward to better in the future.

October 2019

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  • Thank you, Lulu. As you said, different accents do represent wonderful and different cultures. I jus… by Ruidan Wu on this entry
  • Yeah, I totally understand your difficulty with the diverse accents, intonations, etc. I mean, it's … by Lulu Qu on this entry

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