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August 15, 2018

Wednesday the 15th of August

There was something fishy in the air today - Investigations 👀 and Spying 🕵️‍♀️ being the running themes.

The children enjoyed code-breaking activities, including trying to decipher what their peers wrote on white paper with white crayons. The messages that they managed to read included “What’s your favourite animal?” and “What do you love?”
The responses that came from code-breakers read, for example, “Dogs are the best!” and “I love ice-cream.”

In the afternoon, an expert investigator ran a workshop, teaching the children gather clues and expose crimes. DNA, evidence, such as finger prints and hair were collected in order to solve puzzles. This, in addition to a very lively Scavenger Hunt!

A very good day, following, hopefully, an even better one.

With best wishes,

The Holiday Scheme Team

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