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August 09, 2018

Wednesday 8th August 2018

What a creative and imaginative day! Our morning began with a fantastic storytelling workshop with John Harris, a professional storyteller who has made many appearances on the BBC. The children had the opportunity to listen to a range of mystical and historical tales.

Following the story workshop, the next part of the morning involved an exciting outdoor game of human hungry hippos. The children thoroughly enjoyed working in teams and trying different variations of the famous board game, including travelling in pairs as wheelbarrows.

After lunch and games of badmington, our groups took part in creative and performance workshops, invloving different groups working together to create a short play or favourite story. The leaders saw some brilliant acting from the children as well as some creative ideas for their performances. The children had a second opportunity to join John Harris for a practical story workshop, involving interactive games and creative discussions. The children had to work together to create and develop thier own story.

Best wishes

The Holiday Scheme team.

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