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August 30, 2018

Wednesday 29th August 2018

Today’s theme was History and you know what, we did plenty of it.

First up was Henry VIII who appeared in person, full-height and full-on, with his larger-than-life personality and nothing-in-impossible attitude. Joking aside, the actor-impersonator truly brought history to life, telling the story of Tudors, their continental relations and all that has impacted Britain to this day. It got scary at times, with graphic descriptions of executions, but the session ended with music played on medieval instruments, including that very familiar tune called Greensleeves.

The groups also played games, made a Three-in-a-Row board and drew impressive, elaborate portraits of that most controversial Tudor, Henry.

We are back for adventure and learning tomorrow, hoping the weather will hold for us.

With best wishes,

The Holiday Scheme Team

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