Wednesday 25th October 2018
No Windy Wednesday nor Wellie Wednesday - it was sunny and dryagain, and we couldn’t be happier!
We started the day with some stretches and twists: ‘supple joints make sharper minds’, said no one in particular but it seemed the right thing to do.
The morning was made more fun outdoors, where the ball games and hide-and-seek were not the only games in town.
Back in the room, the children decorated their biscuits with spidery-themed designs, which were more sweet than scary in the end. And to continue with the theme, they made Halloween costumes on their own and in groups.
The afternoon’s highlight was Steve the Entertainer with his Magic Show and Glitter Tattoos. Wait till you see the wierd and wonderful tattoos on the wrists of your kids tonight!
Did we mention the pumpkin painting? No? Well, you get the idea.
With all good wishes,
The Holiday Scheme Team
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