August 28, 2018

Tuesday the 28th of August

Welcome back to The Holiday Scheme. Last week before back to school, and we’re just as busy as when it all started.

It was Animation Day, and with Gemma’s help, the children created their very own animated stories.

The first phase entailed making the characters and props with plasticine. Here, again, the sheer amount of wacky creativity at times stunned us. See if you can imagine aliens in sailboats, penguins eating ice-cream and goblins in shorts? Need we carry on? You get the picture: a playdough party. The models then took centre stage to tell the story with the help of various backgrounds, such as a street, sea or sky.

The teams’ completed animation movies will be forwarded to the parents in due course: Gemma tells us it will take roughly two weeks for the films to be edited.

Besides all that, there was a chance to calm down and chat, to make a kite and, most hilarious of all, to play apple bobbing!

We return tomorrow for Tudor Day. Guess who is making an appearance?

With best wishes,

The Holiday Scheme Team

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