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August 21, 2018

Tuesday the 21st of August

Another day, another theme, and today’s was Warrior. Well, we had variations, though far less fierce and fear-inducing than actual members of the actual military.

In the morning, Dan from Ultim8 Warrior constructed an obstacle course for the younger group. The silly little things soon became substituted by harder and harder challenges, and soon we had children lying on the ground, crawling and puffing their way to the finish. But finish they did, though not before they got to be gladiators and fight off squirty wet sponges with their shields.

The older group were busy doing crafts at that time, and when they swapped after lunch, the younger kids then made their own warrior-themed crafts, such as gladiator helmets. Those Roman soldiers would have been impressed by the paper and card recreations of their metal headgear!

The whole gang had a blast, as some said, which is kind of the point of The Holiday Scheme.

Back tomorrow with some more.

With best wishes,

The Holiday Scheme Team

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