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August 07, 2018

Tuesday 7th August 2018

We had a full house today as is always the case with Falconry.

In the morning before Hawkwise visited us, the children kept asking us to confirm that “the owls are coming”, and once reassured, started reminding US that “the owls are coming”!

When the owls did cone, they were dead quiet. The mesmerising talk about birds of prey in general and the birds that came to The Holidays Scheme in particular was accompanied by ample opportunity to hold them - always with a glove - and watch them up close.

It was a sight to behold when the owls took flight ever so silently, gliding through the room to the children’s amazement.

The children also made origami birds and bird-feeders with their hands, imaginations and chosen materials. One person’s paper chicken laid eggs as you squeezed it - go figure!

We look forward to seeing the boys and girls tomorrow.

With best wishes,

The Holiday Scheme Team

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