October 30, 2018

Tuesday 30th October 2018

Hello and welcome back to Week Two of the Half-term.

There is a distinct chill in the air and a definite build-up for something exciting.

We have been busy packing Harvest hampers for Age UK, and the goodwill was sweet to witness. The children had brought jars an tins of food from home - thank you, parents, for sending the goodies - and tried very hard to wrap the hampers filed to the brim and tie pretty ribbons arpund. The final results were excellent - messages to the elderly strangers and treats to make their day.

We had a First Aid course with St. John’s ambulance too, delivered appropriately to our varied age groups, including bandaging practice.

Towards the end of the afternoon, the younger group painted rocks and the older one went on an orienteering walk and a quiz activity. Some were using a compass for the first time and loved it too.

Have a great evening!

With best wishes,

The Holiday Scheme Team

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