Tuesday 24th October 2018
Day two of the first week of this autumn half-term and it’s still warm and sunny.
This morining was full on with hamper decorating: filled with food, they were a lovely reminder of human kindness and charity. The children also made gratitude and memory jars, including one that, rather suspiciously, had a hedgehog’s appearance.
We had a treasure hunt around Westwood Campus, or we did Geocoaching - look it up! - with a compas and field trip instructions. Happy to report that all the treats were found, untouched, under a bench in the wood. During this activity, metres and metres were walked, which brought us closer to the daily recommended 10,000 steps!
In the afternoon, the children were shown a video where a grandad choked on some food and his granddaughter applied First Aid.
Children practiced on their soft toys. Carol discussed what numbers should be called in case of emergency (999 & 112). The children were asked if they knew their addresses - again, just in case. They were extremely attentive and very engaged.
And the staff? Well, we enjoyed it all and will be here again tomorrow!
With best wishes,
The Holiday Scheme Team
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