Tuesday 24th July 2018
Another exciting day on the Holiday Scheme. Today the children went on the University sculpture trail, led by staff from the Warwick Arts Centre. They got to see some of the fantastic art work dotted around Warwick campus such as ‘Dark at Heart’ and the ‘Needle of Knowledge Obelisk’.
There was also a lot of creative thinking today. The age 9s and over group had a go at making their own wire sculptures and had some great ideas such as bangles, faces and even a couple of decorated lightsavers. They also created some very colourful mosaics using Hama beads, which the leaders ironed for them to create a permanent reminder of their day.
The age 8 and under group made their own village out of cardboard boxes. We had houses with working doors and windows, chimneys with smoke coming out and a variety of wall decorations. It all came together to make a very interesting village. The children also planted their own sunflowers or watercress, together with a decorative label made from a wooden spoon and various colourful additions like glitter and even some feathers!
There was some more outdoors fun with the children continuing their capture the flag battle from yesterday and showing a lot of energy and competition.
The Holiday Scheme Team
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