Thursday 2nd August 2018
This Thursday’s theme has been adventure and boy, did we have some!
Some children made their own cookie mixture while others played games and built obstacles courses outside. Watch out for a cookie jar with layered dry ingredients, including dried fruit 🍇 and rolled oats, that’s two of your five-a-day! Please see the recepie and cooking instructions using this link: .
After lunch we were in for a treat: Lego workshop, with amazing creations - both in teams and as individual builders - and outdoor activities. On that note, we give you one word, ‘jumparoo’, and you get the picture, don’t you? We were so thankful for the beautiful sunshine so everyone dried off quickly.
All in all, another fun day with energy and excitement. Don’t forget the theme on Friday is ‘Sports’. Remember to bring a plain t-shirts if you’re with us tomorrow, as we’ll be decorating some these.
See you then 😎
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