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August 16, 2018

Thursday 16th August

It was a day for performing arts, and a musical day at that! Our morning began with a drama workshop with the Warwick Arts team. All of the children took part in range of fun interactive drama games which involved the children using improvisation and communication skills, we were thrilled to see the children grow in confidence.

Our older group took part in an arts and crafts session with the Holiday Scheme team where the children had a creative task to make animal mobiles. The djembe workshop was soon approaching, so the children made animals from the African savanna. The children created their animals in many ways, such as origami and sketching. Once the children had created their exotic animals, they used string to attach the animals to colourful rings. There was a large range of animals on each mobile! We saw lions, elephants, tigers, snakes and so much more. Our younger group finished off the morning with a range of animal safari games. Unfortunately it did rain, but the weather did not stop us! We played our safari circle games indoors, which involved a theatrical game of animal charades and we saw some fantastic acting from the children. We also played a musical game of banana monkey and sleeping lions.

After lunch and a range of team games led by Flo, our groups took part in a djembe workshop where the children learnt a range of drumming rhythms and created a group piece together. The children got the opportunity to play a range of drums which involved using their hands and drumsticks. It was a pleasure to see the children concentrate and work exceptionally hard, which resulted with a significant improvement in their drumming skills by the end of the afternoon.

Following the djembe session, both groups spent the remainder of the day either making their own djembe drums or playing team games outside.

We are so excited for our art themed day tomorrow.

Best wishes

The Holiday Scheme team

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