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August 14, 2018

Summer Holiday Scheme Monday 13th August 2018

It was a day for community projects. We had the pleasure to work with Warwick Arts, who led a creative and innovative workshop for the children. The children had the opportunity to create a large collage piece, using paints, newspaper images, hand drawn monsters and mystical creatures. The collage piece was inspired by the artist Rowdy, known for creating bright and bold art pieces using recycled materials as well as incorporating many layering techniques. The children were given a true insight into Rowdy’s work and history. The children learnt how to effectively layer images and other elements of their crafts onto the colourful hand-painted bases to create 3D effects. We saw some children create fantastic skylines, oceans and so much more for their centre pieces.

After lunch, the children ventured outside to play outdoor games and activities, we were impressed by the den that some of the children made from our resource bag.

We are looking forward to seeing the children tomorrow for some multimedia fun for photography day!

Best wishes

The Holiday Scheme Team.

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