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August 06, 2018

Monday 6th August 2018

Another sunny day and another fun one here at The Holiday Scheme.

This morning the children tried their hand at rudimentary robotics, making moveable figures and robotic hands with straws, butterfly pins and paper and card.

All sorts of creatures made an appearance: ghostly penguins, cats and Canadian huskies, as well as princesses and heroes.

Later on, Dominique from Zoolab visited us with an array of animals - snakes 🐍 and rats 🐀 to name but two - to tell the children about their features, habits and habitats. Don’t worry, the snake wasn’t venomous!

Having said that, not everyone wanted to stroke the wild creatures, including the Leaders. 😬

The younger age group did animal yoga in the afternoon, which predictably, involved some barefoot stretching and twisting, followed by breathing and relaxation.

Meanwhile, the older age group practiced trust games with partners; turns out if you’ve been trained not to fall all your life, it’s hard to let your body fall backwards. Happy to report, all the pairs caught each other and all the children tried to create variations of other trust games to much amusement and surprise.

We come back tomorrow and we look forward to seeing you there.

Best wishes,

The Holiday Scheme Team

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