October 29, 2018

Monday 29th October 2018

It’s getting spookier by the day here, and we haven’t a clue as to why!

Only joking, we’re counting days to our Halloween culmination this Wednesday.

In the meantime, though, we have our hands full with autumnal arts and crafts.

Today we had a long session of puppet-making with the mist incredible materials, such as jiffy bags - who’d have thought?! Jim the workshop facilitator managed to craftily squeeze some sign language in as well, so we had lots of little fingers drawing shapes in the air to show initials and signal completion or call for help. And those agile fingers created some not-so-fragile puppets in pretty oranges, ruby reds and yummy yellows.

The day, of course, was punctuated by outdoor play and meals, as well as sufficient free play for the children to chat and get acquainted - it’s school holidays after all.

Back for some more crazy cool stuff tomorrow.

With best wishes,

The Holiday Scheme Team

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