Monday 23rd July
Monday 23rd July
What a fantastic and energetic start to the Holiday Scheme!
We began our day by walking to the Xcel Centre in Canley to do gymnastics and trampolining led by three brilliant coaches!
The leaders and managers were so proud of all the children for trying their best and, for some, learning a brand new skill. Well done Hanchen for doing a brilliant forward roll and leaders were very impressed with Imogen’s back-hand spring- amazing!! To finish the morning we had our lunch under the trees and the children played on the park before we started our walk back!
This afternoon the under 8s took part in a newspaper fashion show we saw some fantastic designs and good team working skills- well done to Jessica’s team for winning the show! Meanwhile, the older group had a slam dunkin afternoon as they made a basketball net.
To finish our already busy day, the children went outside for some more sports! The younger group took part in an obstacle course whilst the older group played capture the flag.
The Holiday Scheme Team
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