August 24, 2018

Friday the 24th of August

As always, the week at The Holiday Scheme ended on the high.
The theme today was Sports, but there was more to our day than that.

The art and craft activities included decorating a sporty cupcake. Among the dazzling designs were footballs, tennis balls, rackets and baseball caps. The added challenge was NOT to eat the icing while making it into tempting colourful shapes.

There was also painting, with brushes repeating Picasso’s grooves among others. We did stress that ‘It’s not copying, it’s being INSPIRED!’ and ‘Good artists copy, anyway, and the great ones steal.’

The multi-sports session took place outside and was complete with relay races, parachute games and team competitions. The highlight was the yoga session in the middle of the afternoon, to stretch and strengthen, and then rest and recover.

We could tell you about the sports t-shirt designs or the hand-made skittles as well, but you get the idea: the children had fun, did some learning and practiced some skills. They should be ready for the Bank Holiday, after which we will resume our programme for one final summer week this year.

With best wishes,

The Holiday Scheme Team

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