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August 10, 2018

Friday the 10th of August

Welcome to Friday the 10th of August, halfway through the Summer Holiday Scheme.

It’s been a day of story-making here at Warwick, a Day of Drama!

As we write this, teams of story-tellers are making props and costumes for the performance this afternoon. But let’s start from the beginning.

This morning, the children divided into groups of eight and got thinking about their plots. The theme was Around the World, and all variations were accepted.

The teams assigned their script-writers, directors, characters and narrators. Within a couple of hours, the story-lines became visible and the kids started learning their words. Some, of course, jumped ahead and started making decorations.

This afternoon, we’re rehearsing and making the sets. The children will be performing to the audience of parents, just before pick-up.

You may or may not be able to make it, but we guarantee that it will be fun following journeys through a rainforest or through China, in the desert 🐫 or through Spain, across the ocean 🌊 or into India. Luckily, we have the in-house expertise as well: the children and the staff at The Holiday Scheme speak a dozen or so languages between them.

We can’t wait for the show and we look forward to welcoming you next week.

With best wishes,

The Holiday Scheme Team

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August 10, 2018

Friday the 10th of August

Welcome to Friday the 10th of August, halfway through the Summer Holiday Scheme.

It’s been a day of story-making here at Warwick, a Day of Drama!

As we write this, teams of story-tellers are making props and costumes for the performance this afternoon. But let’s start from the beginning.

This morning, the children divided into groups of eight and got thinking about their plots. The theme was Around the World, and all variations were accepted.

The teams assigned their script-writers, directors, characters and narrators. Within a couple of hours, the story-lines became visible and the kids started learning their words. Some, of course, jumped ahead and started making decorations.

This afternoon, we’re rehearsing and making the sets. The children will be performing to the audience of parents, just before pick-up.

You may or may not be able to make it, but we guarantee that it will be fun following journeys through a rainforest or through China, in the desert 🐫 or through Spain, across the ocean 🌊 or into India. Luckily, we have the in-house expertise as well: the children and the staff at The Holiday Scheme speak a dozen or so languages between them.

We can’t wait for the show and we look forward to welcoming you next week.

With best wishes,

The Holiday Scheme Team

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