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February 23, 2018

February Holiday Scheme– day 4!

Holiday Scheme- day 4!

What a full and fantastic day we had today! In the morning, we used all of our talent to create some hand-made kites with paper straws, glitter and colourful wool! We then got hungry and made some monster cupcakes, which were ‘dressed’ with blue buttercream icing, white chocolate buttons and biscuits! We saw the white cream turning into blue with some magic liquid and we secretly tasted some of it while decorating the cupcakes!! Yummy!!!

Is if this was not enough, in the afternoon we met the Create, Build and Learn team! They brought with them many different boxes full of Lego pieces and figures and we created many different constructions in groups! This was our first time to see so many different types of Lego!! Our projects turned out to real masterpieces!! After all this, we needed some fresh air and we played games outside!

Yes, we all feel tired, but sooo happy now! Counting the hours until the forest school tomorrow!

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