All entries for Tuesday 20 February 2018
February 20, 2018
February Holiday Scheme– day 1!
February Holiday Scheme- day 1!
What a fabulous first day at the February Holiday Scheme! This morning the children were delighted to see the coaches arrive in preparation for their trip. We headed to Coventry’s Herbert Gallery where we took part in a Pop Art activity session. The work the children produced was incredibly imaginative, we even had a life size figure made of magazine cut-outs, thanks Isaac! The children also had chance to explore the Pop Art exhibition and to learn about Lady Godiva from 1000 years ago, unfortunately there was no chocolate in sight.
This afternoon we headed to the Cathedral remains and the children made up a ‘dab’ competition, yes the staff were not familiar with this ‘cool’ move, however, we are now experts! After some fun in the fresh air we walked over to the Transport Museum. Some of the dated automobiles were a hit with the children and so was the penny-farthing.
Overall a fantastic day which was nicely summarised in their own words during circle time when we arrived back at the Grad Deck. We look forward to seeing ‘Steve the Juggler’ tomorrow!
The Holiday Scheme Team