December 09, 2019

Thoughts on the 1st lecture session

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Dear all,

[1] today in the lecture, we saw that it was not entirely simple to install your own ML machine with Tensorflow/Keras and FastAI. I have now made a blog entry on how to do this. You can find it here.

[2] In addition, when running the FastAI code, we saw that it might take a long time even for just the pets categorization. I just ran the pets notebook (please download a new version) and have made the pets-stage-1 and pets-stage-1-50 trained models available on the download area. You need to move these models into where FastAI keeps them which in my set-up is


Just copy the twp .pth files there and you should be able to run the pets code after the


fastai commands in the notebook.

[3] When you "play" with the notebook called "FastAI-lesson2-download.ipynb", note that the file contains the cats/teddys/wolves that I managed to download and use for the exercise.

[4] Some of you argued that your own machines may not be able to do meaningful ML as you do not have a GPU. Have a look at what the FastAI guys have collected in terms of possible free GPU instances, i.e. Using a GPU. I have not yet used any of these services, but would be keen to learn from your experiences!

OK, keep checking this blog for up-to-date information before we meet again next week.

- 2 comments by 1 or more people Not publicly viewable

  1. Juan

    Regarding possible alternatives to benefit form a GPU, I have personally used Kaggle, by Google, its a free service and you get access to 30 hours of GPU run time per week, which I reckon should be enough. I managed to run the whole lesson1-pets notebook in under 40 minutes there with no need to install anything before hand, just loading the notebook and clicking play.

    09 Dec 2019, 18:37

  2. Rudolf Roemer

    That’s cool. Perhaps you want to show people during class next week how to run on Kaggle?

    09 Dec 2019, 19:30

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