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December 06, 2019

Things to do before the 1st lectures

Follow-up to Machine Learning – a hands–on course from Rudo's blog

Dear all,

[1] some of you will have registered for the short Machine Learning (ML) course that we are planning to give, starting next week. ML is best "learned" by doing it, so we are planning to use the computer room E4.28 for exercises during all the lectures. But we think you might also find it more useful if you were to bring your laptops along and install+run the ML codes there.

[2] We are expecting to run all the ML on a Ubuntu installation (Francois Chollet, one of the key people in the field, says "it’s possible to use Windows, too, but I don’t recommend it"). Other Linux installations should also work. If you only have Windows, Rudo recommends installing

VirtualBox, https://www.virtualbox.org/

with a Ubuntu 19.10 installation (http://releases.ubuntu.com/19.10/).

[3] During the course, we intend to offer you downloadable ML source codes via Rudo's blog at


where you can also see a copy of this email. The direct download link is in the first entry of the blog and given here as well, i.e.


[4] We want to share literature on ML with you using Mendeley, i.e. https://www.mendeley.com/. Although the Mendeley Desktop might be convenient to install (we have it on our machines), the online interface could be ok for the course. But in order to "share" PDFs with you, you need to have a (free) Mendeley account. Please create one.

[5] Last, we, Djena and Rudo, are both new to ML, so this will be a course where we will all explore ML together! We hope you'll enjoy it.

- Rudo and Djena

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