March 02, 2020

Submission date and instructions for your project work

Follow-up to teaching schedule, now ready from Rudo's blog

Dear all,

you should now all be close to finishing your project work for the machine learning course. I hope it has all gone well and that you had some fun exploring machine learning. The official date for submission is

Friday, March 6 at 17:00.

For submission, please remember that we want you to submit a running machine learning code using a jupyter notebook with comments that explain step by step what you did and why. Please also supply the data so that Djena and I can run the code ourselves. The easiest way to send us the submission is via

where you can upload both jupyter notebook and data (preferably as a single .zip file). If your data files are too big for upload there (I have 4.5GB in total on that upload drive), please send a link at which we can then download the data. Please remember that it is your responsibility to make sure data and notebook work "out of the box", i.e. without us having to change anything before they work, including directories.

We aim to have feedback for you by the end of March and will communicate this by email to each of you (so please also let me have your preferred email address in your jupyter notebook).


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