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March 05, 2020

list of submitted projects and information about late submission penalties

Follow-up to Submission date and instructions for your project work from Rudo's blog

Dear all,

thus far I have received submissions from (10/02/30 10:00)

  1. Jettawat Khantaveramongkol
  2. Juan Roman Roche
  3. Hendrik Schlueter
  4. Alexios Malaquias
  5. DanielPepin Fowan
  6. Burak Civitcioglu
  7. Roman Perrier (one day late)
  8. Jeremy Cadran (two days late)

Please note that I intend to apply late submission penalties, following roughly similar Warwick penalties which penalize a late submission with a 5% reduction in final points for every day late. A late day starts in the first minute after the dealine and the time of submission follows from the time of the last upload.



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