Keras, TensorFlow and more on the SC–RTP desktops
Follow-up to Using PyTorch on the SC–RTP machines from Rudo's blog
This set of commands allows to load a working Keras/TF/scikit ML environment which will run on a GPU if present
$ module load GCC/8.3.0 CUDA/10.1.243 OpenMPI/3.1.4 $ module load IPython/7.9.0-Python-3.7.4 $ module load TensorFlow/2.1.0-Python-3.7.4 $ module load Keras
$ module load scikit-learn
$ jupyter notebook &
using the versions
tensorflow: 2.1.0 , keras: 2.3.1 sklearn: 0.21.3
One comment
Daniel Paget
To load Tensorflow and PyTorch (and Keras) modules on ORAC may you may have to module load a few more things that they require. To find out, for example, what modules Keras requires, use the command
module spider Keras
This gives a list of required modules, which you can load before loading Keras to ensure that it successfully loads. Loading these modules without the required modules results in an error saying that it failed to load the module you asked for.
17 Dec 2020, 14:41
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