August 09, 2013


It seems that first generation turnip moths (cutworms) have now stopped flying at Wellesbourne. We captured male moths in pheromone traps between 13th June and 25th July - and this is at least 2 weeks later than 'normal'. It appears, therefore, that no more first generation eggs will be laid. However, there is still a risk from the larvae of eggs laid earlier on, and the cutworm forecast will continue to be updated until all these larvae are predicted to have reached the third instar, which will be towards the end of August.

Although it has been hot for several weeks, according to the cutworm model, the sporadic bursts of rainfall have reduced the risk of damage. However, in some locations there may have been insufficent rainfall to completely reduce the risk from batches of eggs that hatched in late June-early July and it would be interesting to hear whether there have been any incidents of cutworm damage?


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