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All 5 entries tagged Adwords

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July 16, 2009

AdWords Vouchers & their 2nd Secret Expiry Date

Writing about web page http://ppcPromotion.co.uk

For the third time today, I have picked up a client’s new Adwords account and tried to add one of the many Google Adwords new account Vouchers that are floating around. For the third time I came across the error “Sorry, your account is too old to be eligible to redeem this coupon.”
Adwords account is too old error

The error message is a link. Does this lead to an explanation of how old is too old? No, I takes you down to the Redeem Code box. As if any change you could make there can change Google’s arbitrary, unpublished, second expiry date for their vouchers.

The most common response to the squeeze approach of Google Adwords sign-up wizard; lets start with your first Ad!, is to go away and get expert help or to find a book. By the time you get back you will not get any help from the Adwords Vouchers.

October 06, 2008

People are split 50/50 in how we decide similarity. Half feature based & half thematic.

Writing about web page http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/newsandevents/pressreleases/research_finds_split

Reseach by Dr Zachary Estes of our Psychology department has split all of us down the middle on our perception of similarity. Half link thematically; crown and Queen and half by feature, crown and hat.

Initially the proportions were 46% thematic and 31% feature based.

Further experiments indeed showed that there was a group of people who rushed into a decision and tended to chose a theme based similarity and that there was a second group of people that thought about things a little more chose a physical feature based similarity. However what was most surprising was that the Warwick researchers found a third group of people that also thought about things a little more and yet still always chose a theme based similarity. That left an overall split in the population of around 50% who were more thoughtful and chose a physical feature based similarity (such as net and rope) and another 50% for who always went for the thematic option (net and fish) whether they used instinct or deeper thought.

The press release presents this as a discovery that can double the opportunities for pay-per-click Adwords marketing for cake – cookie or biscuit and cake – birthday. Actually split-testing Adwords professionals have discovered these two ways of association a long time ago. This peer-reviewed research will help inform search advertisers however. It confirms not ony that we are split 50/50 but that there are 3 groups when you record their instinctive and thoughtful responses.

September 25, 2007

Go.Warwick domain solves my Landing Page problem.

Writing about web page http://Go.Warwick.ac.uk/wmgMasters

I was disappointed when WMG’s new website, relaunched to reflect our new branding and focus was not built around the old domain www.wmg.warwick.ac.uk For several practical reasons such as access to the Universities support and SiteBuilder tools the new site’s home page was and this has allowed many more WMG staff to edit and publish content, add events etc.

I have been asked to look at setting up a Google Adwords campaign for the new Full Time Msc Program and Site for 2008. Using the www2.warwick.ac.uk form of the new home page did not inspire as a landing URL. So we have taken a series of the
http://go.warwick.ac.uk/wmgmasters URLs so I can display

WMG :: Masters Programmes | Student Portal

As I am over 50 and clearly not in the tagret demographic for this site so I will not comment on the look of the new student portal. You CAN comment on the colours, look, etc., here but you can also post directly to the Portal’s Student Forum

November 20, 2006

To research the use of Google Adwords as a market intelligence gathering tool

Writing about web page https://adwords.google.com/select/Login

Pay-per-click, search targeted, advertising such as Google Adwords has become an effective, responsive and controllable route to market.

Some recent examples have seen Google Adwords where there was no product to sell. That is to guaranteed a loss on the exercise but the loss can be limited and can test ideas for a lot less than traditional market research methods.

You can test market a product that does not exist yet. If it existed would anyone be interested? Here a white paper can be presented with the solution. How many people click, download, and get in touch?

You can test different title ideas for a book. This is very analogous to the act of browsing a bookstore. Does the Adwords headline attract a click, would the reader look at the flysheet?

One idea you can test for a real business, Vintage Paints, would be test the demand for thirties to fifties cracked or marbled paint finishes. This company is developing these traditional materials but inproved to comply with 21st century environmental and safety standards.

The questions, above, are taken from one of my WMG MSc projects and will be tackled by Szu-Ting Tseng, a student from Taiwan.

The WMCCM students will all have access to project spaces on our portal, http://www.wmccm.co.uk/WMCCM/DesktopDefault.aspx?tabindex=5&tabid=21 and this can be an opportunity for them to network with fellow students following related projects.

September 27, 2006

Problems with Location based Search Marketing in the UK

The strongest growth in search marketing in the US has been in location based advertising. All the main search relevance advertising channels, Google Adwords, Yahoo Search Marketing (was Overture) and Microsoft Search Marketing offer this service.

If a business offers a service in a specific geographic area it makes sence for their Adverts to show only to searchers who are in the area.
The searcher sees only adverts that are relevant to their query and some will be local. If a plumber bids on local cities in the West Midlands and someone from Coventry sees thier advert the word Coventry will appear under the display url. So this combines the advantages of relevance advertising, displaying only when the user is searching on the subject, with the Yellow Pages.

When I search here at the University and find location triggered Adwords the location shows as Warwick. The University is actually on the edge of Coventry but this is understandable. When I do the same from my Coventry home from a fixed IP ADSL broadband link it shows up as London!

Why is this? It turns out to be a limitation of the BT wholesale ADSL network. Their backbone ATM network can only resolve an IP address location dowm to three central hubs nationwide. Since BT’s ADSL has the majority of the UK’s broadband connections this is bad news for fixed line location based search marketing.

The Cable competition, Telewest and NTL, now combined as one joint company, do provide the correct location information down to the City and Town. (I am an NTL customer with their Analog TV service but unfortunately they will probably never upgrade my area to digital and offer broadband cable modems.)

Google Local and competitors will allow promotion alongside their Maps.
This will still work and allows users to look up restaurants, etc., where they plan to travel to.

True location based marketing in the UK will probably be delivered using mobile devices such as PDAs and smartphones as these really do need to know your location at all times to connect calls.

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