December 11, 2006

Yahoo!'s Siteexplorer gives controllable Inbound Link results.

Writing about web page

I have found the most accurate Inbound Link tool is the Yahoo! Site Explorer. It also gives a clear indication of the pages from a site that are cached on Yahoo!’s databases.

Inbound link numbers are not as critical these days with quality and relevance being more important than quantity. All the search engines need to find a link or be notiified to be able to discover your page.

The site explorer allows you to select “except from this domain” to reject links from your own site and links to the whole domain or to a subdomain.

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  1. Mathew Mannion

    This is identical to Google Sitemaps, I didn’t realise Yahoo! were so quick on the ball to act on Google, Yahoo and Microsoft’s agreement on the Sitemaps standard

    11 Dec 2006, 16:32

  2. Robert McGonigle


    Yahoo had these tools up for some months.

    Thinking about it, and tracking the changes to Google at the same time, they were all probably making progress, privately, before the official announcement. Well spotted.

    The site maps agreement is a sign of increasing maturity in the search market.

    15 Dec 2006, 17:49

  3. Wesley Atkins

    Yahoo site explorer is definetly the best quick link analysis tool you can use. But even better is the SEO plugin for firefox that you can get at When you do a search at Google the top 10 listings will display yahoo inbound links, pagerank, whois, age, edu links etc.. It is truly awesome.

    13 Jul 2007, 14:24

  4. Robert McGonigle

    Thank you Wes, for the tip.

    I will check out this tool – it sounds excellent!

    13 Jul 2007, 15:02

  5. Internet TV

    I’m finding yahoo site explorer less and less accurat everyday.

    17 Sep 2007, 20:16

  6. Internetagentur München

    In my opinion the yahoo site explorer is one of the best things in the internet. I am prefering it.

    19 Nov 2008, 19:02

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